Too many sweets

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'Bleh' Drew stuck his tongue out as he sat up in his bed. He had eaten one too many sweets the night before and now was feeling sick. He shook his head slightly then felt woozy. He groaned slightly and laid back down. Drew had been in his room for a bit longer than normal, causing Dan to come in.

Dan looked at him and immediately knew what was wrong and sighed. "I told you you'd get sick, let me help you" Dan pulled Drew's blanket back over him slightly and moved his trash can closer in case Drew puked. "I guess I have to keep watch over how many sweets you eat now"

Drew gave him puppy eyes and Dan sighed. "Its for you own good  little buddy, you don't want to get sick again do you?" Drew pouted, then pulled Dan close. He traced his finger to "write" words on Dan's arm. "Stay here til i get better please"

Dan smiles amd gently ruffles the smaller boy's hair. "Okay my friend, i will"

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