the Pokemon Besties

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Dan made his usual little pout as he and Drew look at their Pokémon in their switchs, trying to decide what ones would be good to trade to one another.

"Wait, is your Onix holding a metal coat?" Dan pointed to Drew's screen. Drew nods, "we can trade it with my haunter, that way they both evolve" Drew nods again happily and they do that trade, both filling a part of their pokedexs. "Awesome, now we can trade them back"

After they finish trading they focus on training their pokemon up, just sitting next to each other while playing their games. Then Drew points to his box legendary, and writes that they should trade them to each other so they can register them in their pokedexs "ah that's a great idea, Drew" they do so, trading them back after using them for a bit and leveling them up for each other

They eventually decided to battle each other after choosing a team with the funniest names they could think of, laughing as each one popped up on screen. The battle ended with Drew winning, to which he jokingly stuck his tongue out at Dan and smiling, Dan just did the same, causing them both to laugh again.

Later, Drew leaned against Dan while they watched one of the movies, at one point falling asleep on his shoulder. Dan smiled, shifting into a more comfortable position and just let him cuddle with him on the couch (platonically) and he slowly drifted off to sleep too

Gabby and Tom walk by and smile, Gabby putting a blanket over them before they walk away.

Disventure Camp Fanfics / Oneshots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu