Trevek again :3

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Trevor twiddled his thumbs as he watched Oliver test the challenge. He looked over at his boyfriend as said boyfriend grinned menacingly at their Intern getting somewhat hurt. This made Trevor frown. Derek noticed that, "oh come on Trevor. Look, he's standing up, he's just got some bruises" Trevor looked over and sighed, "I know Derek . .. . you just seem to enjoy seeing him get hurt alot . . makes me think that you might wind up making me do something that causes me to get hurt"

Derek glanced at Trevor, then put a hand on his shoulder, "well .. . .i . ..  you know i would never even dream of putting you into any situation where you get hurt right?" Trevor looked at him, surprised. "Trevor . . . . .i love you way too much to EVER put you in one of these situations". Trevor's eyes widened, Derek never said "I love you" before, at least not where others could hear. Trevor could see Oliver look up and smile at them when he heard that.

Trevor stared at his boyfriend a moment longer, then hugged him tightly. "Oh Derek, i know. Also, i love you too" He could feel Derek smile about that. He always smiled even though Trevor says it alot to him. 

"Heh, i know babe. . . . now please let go of me before any contestant walks by and sees, i don't like PDA unless necessary"
"i know, but I'm going to hold on a bit longer anyway, i just need to hold you right now"

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