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"Oh nice, thats a good song Little Buddy"  Dan smiles at his friend through tbe face cam as Drew played his favorite song on his end. Drew beamed as they continued playing minecraft together, streaming their screens to each other on discord since they were with their families at the time. Drew's parents seemsd chill with him having Dan as a friend, but they did mistake him for a minor as well, which made Drew laugh. Well, Drew's way of laughing.

Jake, Gabby, and Tom joined for fun, then Jake accidentally killed Drew's favourite pet chicken for food. Gabby and Dan burned his house in game for that, Drew took his loot before they did. He only gave everything but the chicken meat back, which he put in a chest and buried it in game.

They later put up a sign saying: "Rule #1 no making Drew cry or killing his pets"

While Jake and Tom were rebuilding Jake's minecraft house, Drew kept gettinv flowers and stuff for Gabby and Dan. Then he a beehive. Then bees. Then he brought wolves and cats. All this made Gabby and Dan laugh, making Drew smile irl.

They had to leave game after because their parents were calling for lunch, but they all promised to play together later

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