Oliver Dan and Drew platonic fic

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Dan laughs as Drew shows him a drawing of Grett as Ms.Piggy he made. Grett was a bit rude to Drew earlier so Drew drew it in revenge. Oliver had just got done testing the next challenge and was dealing with some bruises he got from it. He smiled as he watched them. He admired how close the two boys had gotten in the short time they had spent together. He hoped that their friendship will become stronger as time goes on, they seemed like they'd make great friends.

Oliver grins as the two high five over something, he remembered when he had a friend like they had each other, unfortunately his family had to move away after graduation and he never saw his friend again afterwards. But he was glad these two will probably still have each other even after camp. He'll even make sure of it himself if he has to.

Just then, Dan's voice calls over. "Hey! You're Oliver right? The intern?" Oliver looked up and nodded. "U-uh, yea i am" Dan smiles, "why don't you come and hang out with us? Derek and Trevor aren't around today and you look like you just finished testing a challenge, you need a break" Oliver smiles at this young man's kindness, "you know what, I'll take it"

Oliver sits next to Dan and chats with him and Drew, talking about many different things the three turned out to all be interested in. Oliver had never expected any of the contestants to be this nice. As they talked, Oliver made a decision. He will participate in the next season. And he'll definitely try to win, or at least have a good time.

Later he got back to work, making sure Trevor and Derek didn't learn about his extra extended break a few moments ago. Trevor just smiled at him upon seeing him and Derek ignored him, or at least seemed to, but he actually smiled too. Perhaps Derek actually did have a heart. "Oliver, we have another challange for you to test"

Or maybe not.  .  .  .

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