AleNick time again :3

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Alec rolled his eyes as the other british man scoffed at the show he was watching. "Don't start complaining again, Nick. We're tired of it". Nick whipped around, "Listen here, mate-" "I'm not your mate, mate" "shut up and let me talk" "no" "you divorced git-" they bicker back and forth like this for quite a while, making Fiore and Ellie, who were nearby, groan in irritation and agony.

Ellie looked down at Fiore, "They're going to be at this for a while if one of us don't stop them" Fiore looked at Ellie with a raised eyebrow, "well what the fuck are we supposed to do? None of us have gotten them to stop before." Ellie looked back at them and raised an eyebrow as she saw Nick's eyes flicker to Alec's mouth for a few seconds. "I believe I've gotten an idea"

Ellie got up and walked over to the british duo, who were too busy arguing to notice her walking up until she placed her hands on the back of their heads and practically smashed their mouths together. Fiore's eyes widen as she watched Ellie do this. They widened more when Alec and Nick didn't immediately pull away from each other.

Alec lurched away first, touching his lips before getting up and leaving the room. Nick sat there, wide eyed and just stared were Alec used to be before turning back to the show quietly. Ellie sat down and smiled. "And that's how you both end an argument and get two oblivious in love idiots together" Fiore chuckled at that as they continued doing their own things.

Later, Alec stood in the hallway, hand on his head. "Shit. . . shit shit shit, i AM bi.  .. And i like Nick" he put both hands on his forehead as he thought more. "Being bi i can deal with, but Nick?  . . . ..ugh." Just then, Nick walked up. He stood there, silently for a minute. "So. . . .. The kiss" "the kiss that Ellie forced us into" "yes" a few more moments of silence

Nick looked Alec dead in the eye,"I liked it" Alec was silent for a moment longer, "I did too"  they stared at each other for a bit longer before Alec grabbed Nick's chin and pulled him in for another kiss. This time, neither of them were confused by the feelings.

When they pulled apart this time, Nick cleared his throat. "Well, thats that, we're together now" "mhm, that we are" Nick smirked, "hey, at least i have the chance to be a better parent to your son than your ex wife" Alec chuckled, "that's true, thats the plus" They went back to the living room, where Fiore and Drew stole the TV to watch a cartoon. They sighed and sat down and just talked, not wanting to interrupt the kids' show.

The end because i can't think of more for this story lol

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