Drew has a nightmare

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Note: this is a platonic minific 

Drew wakes up in a fright. He takes a second to breath deeply. That was a horrible nightmare, there was almost no way he was getting back to sleep. He decided to do the first thing he thought of.

Drew gets up and heads to his best friend's room in the hotel, as he opened the door, Dan looks up, rubbing his eyes and putting his glasses back in. "Drew? What is it?" Drew walks up, and Dan turns the lamp on. Drew writes that he had a nightmare, and coming over to Dan was the first thing he thought of doing.

Dan smiles gently, "come on, you can sleep next to me for the rest of the night,as friends" Drew smiles and hugs Dan, falling asleep next to him pretty fast. Dan pats his best friend on the head, before turning the lamp off and falling asleep quickly himself

Disventure Camp Fanfics / Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora