My twin sister

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The more important detail about this stranger is that....she looked exactly like me.

I stared at her in utter horror and shock it was like seeing myself in designer clothes but one thing cud differentiate between us it was she had an aura of arrogance around her and looked at me like I was some lower species and not human being. 

I cud tell she came from a rich background (not that i envy her , my mom is already a millioner herself but Julian's parents are billioners and ofcourse I have had everything i cud ask for since before i cud Walk  but we both wanted to have simple peaceful life instead of taking on the family buisness and stuff so that why we settled for a compact looking home which is just enough for our small family.)

This girl looked at me as if she wasn't surprised to see me unlike me who was literally not able to move. She just smirked at me looking from top to bottom and rushed inside Lisa's room. I turned to look at the others they were equally shocked as me. I was so curious that I found myself following her into the room. I saw Lisa's face immediately lit up and a sense of relief wash over her face.

"My apologies Ms.Park" spoke the stranger.

[Park is Lisa's first name]

The stranger continued to speak"I couldn't contact you and get here in time. I have contacted your parents but i guess there were already informed about your situation "

She looked at me while she said that. And  then Lisa said "it is ok Samantha just don't let this happen again and I wud like to know wat happened to me and who these people are i remember my friends Haley and Maria but then there is strange guy out here claiming to be my fiancè can you believe that? Especially when i have a boyfriend"

Lisa said it like it was nothing but my heart clenched at her words and i thought how victor wud react if he heard.

She continued " plus and there is that woman there I don't know her and at first I thought she was you is she your twin or something who u asked stay with me untill u get back because she was claiming to be my long lost so called best friend whom I utterly hate right now"

It felt like a thousand needles were stabbing my heart all at once. I shuddered hearing her words and the tears I had been holding back finally poured out.

So the Sam she was referring to all this while is this person huh? I don't really get a good feeling about her.

Samantha answered "no mam i myself am bewildered but I beleive the guy is your ex boyfriend who cheated on you but don't you remember him?"

"No i don't i don't even have any idea about these two people"

"Oh right i will talk to the doctor and be right back mam" as Samantha made her way out lisa stopped her and said "sam thanks by the way just get to the bottom of this I don't think it's an accident how I got into a car accident there is someone behind this and thanks again u have not only been my trusted assistant but also my trustworthy friend i leave this in your hands"

I just felt like being stabbed again and again on the same spot. Samantha gave smile which i cud see right through that it was a forced one. She had a Irish accent which was totally out of place considering we are in Britain. And all through out the time she kept shooting me glares for no reason.

As Samantha left I looked back at Lisa and both our eyes met and all i cud see in her eyes were foreign to me she didn't seem like the cheerful Lisa I knew and grew up with i cud only see coldness in them. 

"And miss....georgy or something can u give me some privacy?"

I came back to my senses right then and wiped my tears hurriedly before more threatened to spill out i turned around and walked out of the room and julian seem concerned as i shud have looked very pale he asked "are u okay wat did u hear in there?" 

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