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just as i reached the park i noticed lisa's car in the parking lot. i park the car and go to our favourite spot were we often go when we r upset and she was sitting there just as i remembered her sitting there when we were kids with her hands supporting her cheek and looking angry like a kid with her hair tied back in a pony.

i approach her and she burst out before i even reach her.

"gina!!! god finally u r here!! what is up with both of them?"

"calm down" i almost wanted to tell her what her fiance had done but i didnt want to ruin her perfect life but as her frnd i need to let her know about it before she marries him so she doesnt have any regrets afterwards.

"victor say julian started the fight......"

"julian says victor started it. its no use talking to them by ourselves let them resolve it themselves only then will they atleast not fight outiright anymore and atleast stay outta each other's business"

" but julian seriously pushed me and i hit my hip it hurst i wanna shout at him right noow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and i am sorry about the punch show ur face..OMG!!!!!GINA u have a bandaid it blood near ur lip right???? wait i am killing victor tonight"

"its alright i am sorry abt what julian i just shouted at him and the best punishment for both of them is to not talk to them untill they listen to us otherwise they will try to convince us outta it even if we shout at them"

"ya u r right.......but just lemme shout once at both of them after they make up with eachother i just u know!!!....."

"i get it bestie but that wud be of no use thinking logically"


seeing her down i no longer had the heart to tell her abt me and victor....she wud be mad at me for sure but i know she loves victor and all i want is for her to be happy.

" okay then gina lets not talk to either of them and be carefull julian will get u to talk easily"

"dont worry i got it i wont go easy on him this time."

"okay then see ya later i will beetter head back home and finish some office work" i nodded in agreement and with that we both headed back to parking lot and seprated ways.

i only had one place to go back to since i took leave for the day plus maria and haley will be at work so i cant go to their place either by now julian must have gone back to work too cuz its way over his lunch breaktime. i went back home and i was bored so i worked from home in my laptop cuz i was lazy to drive back to the office. working from home i was able to do a little mork work than usual and by 5:00 cassy came home.

she was really happy to see me home i told the caretaker not to come today. she usually does her homework on her own and never disturbs me but today she wanted me to help her study i spent quality time with my daughter before starting to cook dinner by 7:00 p.m. we both ate before julian got home and she was watching cartoons while i was finishing the rest of my work. by 9:30 i put her to bed and waited for julian out of concern cuz he usually comes home by 7:00.

by 11 o'clock i heard his car and i almost dozed off by then. i went back to our bedroom and waited there. i had put the dinner on the table with a sticky note telling him to eat.

instead he came directly inside and i realised he was drunk as the smell of alcohol hit me. his steps were clumsy and he stumbled over to me i helped him sit on the bed. i knew he had drunk and even dared to drive after that because of the arguement today cuz he never took any office tension seriously and i would bet he would never drink due to office pressure

i slowly helped him sit. removed his shoes and coat when he grabbed my shoulders suddenly. i was startled and the time when five years ago same way when he got drunk and tried to hhurt me flashed through my mind. i looked at him with fear in my eyes thinking he was going to hurt me again but he just kissed me not roughly but softly like a peck my eyes were still wide in shock and fear when he hugged me and said

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now