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~5 years later~
For the past 5 year it has all been the same except that

 now haley is married to Kevin and lives right NXT to my house. She shifted here 3 months back due to her work. 

Plus victor asked Lisa to marry him and now that couple is engaged and their wedding is in one month so ya i am the main designer 

and as for maria she had twins named fred and george 3 yrs ago. ofc george was named after me and no wonder he is giving maria a hard time just like me. 

Tmrw is cassy's fifth birthday. I and Julian have planned a very big day for her and we allowed her to bunk schl. We have planned after the shopping spree in the morning, we will have spa time and then we eat out with no cooking and then Movie time and when we asked whether she wanted a party she said she wanted a sleep over with fred george and her aunts and suprisingly she told strictly i and julian werent allowed. wow our cute angel has grown a lot. 

As for me and my memory it is still recovering i remember most of it but the part with victor before my amnesia is still in a haze but then I decided not to think Abt it as my life seems perfect now. As for me and Julian i grew to love him more and more. He seems like the perfect husband and kept his word of loving me and never hurting me again.

 But then today is more special haley just told she.....she.....she...SHE IS PREGNANT!!!! MY FUCKING DIRTY MINDED IDIOTIC CUTE BESTIE IS PREGNANT!!!!! woah!!!!!!!i wasnt this excited when maria got pregnant but OOMMMGG!!!! haley being pregnant is difficult digest plus i am suuuuuppeer excited!!!!! i was the only one who whooped as soon as i heard it when everyone else were just shocked first like including kevin and everyone gave me that weirdo look and i said "guys she is pregnant!!!seriously no one is happy??" then all of us started laughing including victor who always has that serious look and never gets along with any of us let alone julian.

 haley is already 3 months pregnant. i cant wait to see my neice or nephew and i am hoping for a neice. so rn i am at the gift shop with julian cassy is at schl. we r searching for a b day gift. i am telling him to buy her, her fav book series ( cassy is just like me she loves books) but then julian is stuck with a vedio game and i am arguing with him rn. 

he says " come on babe all her frnds has it it seems "

"honey come on she has been dropping hints for this series for 1 month"

"but babe this is cool..."
"No is a no Julian thats completely useless!!!"

He eventually gave in. On our way back home Julian saw a store selling inflatable pool he wanted to get it for Cassy,fred,George and our future nephew/neice to play in so we got that .

 On our way back home Julian saw a store selling inflatable pool he wanted to get it for Cassy,fred,George and our future nephew/neice to play in so we got that

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THE DAY I WOKE UPKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat