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~next day~

i just woke up from bed the next morning by 7:00 pm i guess..,,oops 7:00 am so we watched a movie yesterday with cassy well she slept while we were only half way through it so we went to bed without finishing the movie. its a thursday today i was preparing breakfast for the both of them along with lunch for cassy...i usually give her some money to eat at the cafeteria if i am late to work which i am often is but today i got up earlier so i made some waffles as breakfast for cassy and as usual pancakes for  julian. i did my morning routine and started cooking by 7:30 annd julian woke up just then and came out and said "smells good georgie"

"i barely started cooking and its smells good already?? go get freshed up if you want i can pack you some too"

"alright wifey pack me some not pack me a lot"

i made a nice lunch packed it in two boxes for cassy and julian she woke up by herself by 8:00 and came out all ready by 8:15 she barely spent 2 minutes gobbling down her waffle and hurried topack her stuff i and julian ate breakfast and he told he will drop cassy at school. i agreed and headed to work. 

as soon as i entered my junior  who's name is victoria came running to me and said

 "big sis why were you absent yesterday?i had some doubts on the new program you assigned me to do the requirement of the user wasnt clear and our new product which is the aphone13pro max the phone has been having a lot of technical issues along with bugs in it the director asked you to check on the programs cuz....bad news our team has been assigned to do the modification work within the deadline which is practically impossible sis like within 2 and half month they want us to almost like reprogram every program...and why did boss have to choose our team among everyone else in the R&D department?? why cant it be lucia's team??"

"whoa!!whoa!!whoa!! just slowdown victori you speak faster than well.......... faster than the word fast itself girl and by the way what is wrong with being assigned on removing the bugs from the most awaited phone of the year girl?? its a great opportunity!!like man i was waiting for working on an actual project like though i have doing good in leading our team as the leader and never did any mistake the director only gave all important projects to lucia's team be glad we got to do this one..this time we r nailing it and smudging poop over lucia's face"

"but its like having bugs in almost every program wat do you say abt that we will have to  work overtime collect thousands of informations its almost like developing the phone alltogether again in two and half month time"

"i dont think its as hard as you  say it is plus working overtime is my second hobby girl plus let me talk to the director chen about getting extra help and recruiting interns plus the task i assigned to you you said the requirement of the user wasnt clear right i will look into it later butalso i remember it being easy..." 

"talk about georgina giving easy tasks" she said that sarcastically with a grin and went back to work. ok i might hhave a given a little difficult task but its like as her teacher i just want her to learn cuz she has great potential.after that i went to the director's office to speak about the problems in the software.

 sister chen knew about my amnesia and health conditions thats why she usually never gave me big tassks and gave them to lucia's team which i hate the most cuz lucia just goes on and on about the director favours her team because they are more efficient than ours but in reality our team is the one cleaning up after her team they mess up things and we will have t0 do it for them instead and lucia always plays dirty she even tried spreading childish rumours about me but i and director chen are veryy good friends she is one of my well wishers.

"HEY director chen!! i heard you finally assigned a major project to our team i am super excited about it you know? but care to explainthe details sister chen?"

(dontt think i am disrespectfull to sister chen. i usually speak professionally but now i was super excited about getting assigned on a major project.)

"georgy how are you even able to be happy over working overtime?"

"you know how passionate i am about my work you dont have to ask the same question everytime i come here"

"ya ya watever but dont push yourself too much either then i cant answer to your hus-- no no i can even answer your husband but not our bestfriend lisa ok?"

"well she is just concerned about me thats why last time shesorta yelled at you i really hope you wont hold on to that director chen"

"i get it i get it i am just happy you have a friend who cares for you so much to even 'sorta yell'at your boss plus i am proud of your work georgina and as you have been requesting for a long time i gave this project to  you if you complete it correctly there is a 90% chance of you becoming the next director girl!! go work hard!!! i am getting retired in 6 months."

"you are getting retired?? well i am gonna miss my favourite boss ever and dont worry i will work very hard and woont let you regret giving this project to me"

"i have total faith in you but the thing is will you be able to do it without straining yourself cuz you know how hard it is to almost completely reprogram it in 2 months if it werent for lucia's team to mess up you wouldnt have to do this but i am glad they did cuz this is a golden opportunity girl this project is directly under the observation of the ceo and he cares so much for the project and plus he was very happy when i assigned you to the project plus you will have to report to him directly too this is great opportunity to showcase your talents georgina solets get down to business now"

"thanks for your faith director just see how i am gonna program that phone into a completely new peice with 0 bugs complete the company's aim as the safest phone so far and i can totally do it and very well recovered director so you need'nt worry"

"so as for the details it is all in this document plus we cannot delay the project. the test results say that the phone while using heavily for over an hour continiously just gets stuck and takes about 1 minutes to reboot we have already advertised that this phone is heavy duty phone for gamers and notonly this there are a couple other bugs in the security lock its not severe cuz after using the phone for quite sometime the face lock doesnt work and a dozen other minor stuff"

i took the document and read the details as she was saying all this.

"i get it the minor ones can be fixed easily currently i have 5 people on board which includes victoria, me, jacob, christopher and a intern. i would need atleast 2 more members its okay if they are interns cuz the one i have trained is very efficient and can be trusted with programming so if i have 2 more members to take care of the documentation and test results that would be easier and more possiblity of finishing the task before the deadline while i, victoria, jacob and christopher focus on the bugs"

"ok for now get started i will transfer 2 interns from lucia's team as soon as possible and i know  u want to give a chance to your interns but be carefull its a bit sensitive project recheck their work so nothing goes wrong "

"i got it and now i will get back to programming"

with  that i came out of the office and went to my work desk to get started. i discussed the details with my team members and victoria was finally releived when she learnt that we were gonna have extra hands on board and i also promised to treat them once this project was over successfully.

THE DAY I WOKE UPDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora