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next morning i woke up late it was 8:30 already and we had to be at work by 9:00 julian was lying next to me and hugging me like a kid i saw the clock and realized we were running late so i quickly woke him up like "julian!!!!! we slept late and woke up late we have to pick up cassy and also get to workget up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i guess he almost had a heart attack or something he woke up startled with his eyes half open and said " babe 2 more minutes please i dont feel well" i didnt take much of it i went to the bathroom and did my morning routine and got dressed for work and came out it was 8:45 and he was still on the bed.

 i went there and shoke him and said " babe its 8:45 u r gonna be late pls gettup " he grabbed my hand and hugged me thats when i realized his hands were shaking i felt his fore head and he was burning hot and he suddenly got up and limped to the restroom and puked and he came back holding his stomoch. i helped him on to the bed while he leaned on my shoulder for support and he passed out and thats when i saw a box of icecream nearby i took it and turned the products and it had milk in it!!! julian is lactose intolerent we usually have the lactose free ice cream there in the fridge and yesterday in a hurry i grabbed the wrong one!!! shit!!! 

he is having an allergic reaction and he might be in danger if it gets severe cuz i dunno how much of it he ate yesterday. i woke him up and helped him to the car and drove him straight to the hospital.the docter took him inside to examine while i waited outside. i was already in tears. the doctor took one look at him and rushed him to emergency ward i am frightened to death now i dunno y myself i was never like this.

 i was shaken to bits and after a long long long time my head hurted again i held it with my hands and thats when hailey called me i took the phone with shaking hands she said "bro we have sent cassy to schl kevin dropped her so dont wry go to wor--" - my sobs- "gina wat happened y r u crying?" i said "hailey julian is in the hospital he ate icecream which had milk by mistake he is in the emergency--" i couldnt continue any longer and broke down sobbing. she said "girl dont worry i am coming there right now"with that she ended the call. 

the docter came out and said "maam please calm down ur husband isnt in a bad condition he is good the syptoms r a bit severe because he intook more amount of lactose which caused harm to his intestine so he is a little weak u can take him this evening and please be careful in the future there isnt much to cry about mam he will just have diarhea and vomiting its nothing severe" i was so much releived and asked "docter can i see him now?"he nodded and left. just then hailey lisa and maria came hailey talked with the docter while lisa said 

"georgina u shudnt cry for silly things such as lactose intolerence plus i didnt come here skipping office becuz miller is in a bad state but hailey said u seemed miserable on phone. he isnt gonna die or something he will have stomach ache and nausea and daihhrea for 2 days.....stop crying u fool" 

i tried stopping myself and nodded like a kid and went inside julian's ward followed by maria hailey and lisa. maria said" girl i thought he was dead or something the way u look now" i just managed to nod and sat beside julian who was sleeping. hailey and lisa were very busy that they left after 10 minutes i cudnt blame them but i did overreact but its not my fault either like who will not be startled if u knew u gave ur husband something he is allergic to plus i am very bad at biology to know the symptoms and stuff i am computer girl so i thought he was gonna die or something due to the allergy how in dramas the main lead eats something he is allergic to and starts having a sever reaction i thought it was something like that.maria stayed a bit longer and then left by mid day.

 julian woke up and saw my face and blinked around and sat up while i helped him " gina where am i? y am i not at home?" i said

 " u ate icecream yesterday which had milk in it so u had an allergy this morning and i didnt notice and as soon as i knew i brought u here i was frightened to death u know... lisa scolded me for overreacting over a silly thing like this" 

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now