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Suddenly a man grabbed my hand and pulled me..........

i tried to free my hand but his croonies joined him and i was trying to fight them suddenly i started to panick and pain rised in my chest when someone caught the man's arm and shook it off me.

"who the hell are you" asked the drunkard.

thats when i looked up and saw who it was. it was julian i felt comfortable once i saw him and the pain in my chest relaxed.

"does that matter u r gonna pay for touching my gurl" he said.

with that he twisted the arm of that drunkard and that was enough to scare him and and his croonies but julian beat up every one of them untill he was sure they would end up in the hospital. he turned back to me and saaid " are you okay-"

i immediately hugged him and cried it all out in his chest i felt safe in his arms. he brushed my head and consoled me saying "i'm here dont cry i'm here now"

we walked back to the car he had brought cassy along and she was sitting inside she looked like she was about to cry ofc she had seen the scene. i just hugged her she hugged me back and she tried so hard not to cry but ended up crying anyway.

"daddy u were like a hero out there" she croaked.

i just soothed her head and said "its alright baby i am here now it was just mom's colleagues dont cry now for mommy"

"I know they are bad people mommy I am not 2 year old for u to fool me anymore" she hugged me more and I said.

"Fine smarty pants as long as I have ur dad nothing's gonna happen to me okay? Now dry your eyes and smile at me for once"

She dried her eyes and gave me a big smile. Julian looked at the mother daughter moment and said "you forgot the hero now"

I kissed him on the cheek and said "thx love I dunno what I am gonna do without you"

He just gave me the warmest smile and kept driving while Cassy just dozed off on my lap. We arrived home and Julian carried Cassy to her room and put her to bed. I was sitting in our bedroom still not releived from the incident that I didn't even notice a scratch on my wrist. Julian came sat beside me and saw I had scratch and immediately put a band aid over it and hugged me to comfort me.

"Cassy saw all of it she must be scared rightnow it's all my fault i shud have been more careful"

"No Gina don't worry it's not ur fault u can't help if ur my pretty wife plus Cassy is strong just like her mom so u needn't worry she will be alright and with me here u don't have to worry"

"Mmmm" I said while I felt like dozing off cuz it was a tiring day and I still had work to do.

"Julian I have a lot of work to do within tmrw so go sleep I will finish them first"

"Gina don't have to work when u still have time it's not like u have to submit them tmrw"

"Well it is like that our company was acquired by delux industries and the new CEO which is victor assigned me a tonne of work for my team and me on the first day itself and I have to attend a shareholders meeting tmrw and also discuss stuff with him"


"CALM DOWN Ju i will handle it i will just show him my talents and there's no way i am surrendering either"

"Ok if he does something that hurts u just tell me"

"For what? For u to have a new fight with him? I think the last one was terrifying enough ju"

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now