II Leon's P.O.V

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The weight of responsibility hung heavy on my shoulders as I contemplated the upcoming World Coronation Series. On the surface, it seemed like an exhilarating opportunity to showcase skills and face off against some of the most formidable trainers in the world. Yet, beneath the glitz and glamour, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something sinister lurked beneath the surface.

Chairman Rose's involvement in the tournament only added to my unease. While publicly endorsing the event as a celebration of strength and camaraderie, I couldn't help but suspect that his true motives lay elsewhere. As the reigning Champion of Galar, I felt a deep sense of duty to protect the region and its people from any potential threats, even if they came from within our own ranks. But confronting Chairman Rose directly was risky, one that could jeopardize my position and the stability of the entire region.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself pacing the halls of Wyndon Stadium, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. The murmurs of the crowd seeped through the walls as I entered the dressing room, a reminder of the impending exhibition match that would open the upcoming tournament. Lance was already waiting for me, sitting with the grace of a dragon. His unwavering demeanor is a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within me. I released my Mr. Rime, who rapidly raised a protective barrier around us, shielding our conversation from prying ears.

With a heavy sigh, I turned to Lance, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. "Do you know what Rose might want to achieve with this tournament?" I asked, my voice tinged with frustration. "He has always insisted that Galar does not need to join the other regions, and now he is all for cooperating as long as this tournament is a success. Do you think he does it for the money?"

Lance shook his head, his expression grave. "No, I believe it has to do with energy," he replied, his tone somber. "His company was built around the energy he can muster from the phenomenon in Galar. Maybe he is trying to have more energy by having more battles?"

The revelation sent a shiver down my spine. "If I am being honest, I have no idea," Lance continued, his voice tinged with resignation. "This kind of work has always suited Ash more. He has experience dealing with corruption and ranger work. I normally deal with the political side of the matter."

As Lance lamented his own uncertainty, I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. While Ash's innate knack for uncovering the truth and his unwavering sense of justice made him well-suited for such clandestine endeavors, I found myself ill-equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue. Yet, despite my reservations, the responsibility lay squarely upon my shoulders to protect Galar from any threats, be they external or internal.

As Lance's words lingered in the air, a sense of resignation settled over me like a heavy fog. While the true motives behind Chairman Rose's actions remained shrouded in mystery, we were left with little choice but to proceed cautiously and confront the challenges before us head-on. With a shared glance of determination, Lance and I silently acknowledged the gravity of the situation and the weight of our responsibilities as Champions.

"It seems we have little choice but to proceed as planned," I conceded, my voice tinged with reluctance. "We will battle it out in the exhibition match and continue our investigation of Chairman Rose afterward."

Lance nodded in agreement, his steely gaze betraying the resolve burning within him. "Agreed," he replied, his voice firm and unwavering. "We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted from our duties as Champions, no matter the circumstances."

With a shared understanding, we rose from our seats and made our way out of the dressing room, the anticipation of the impending battle hanging thick in the air. As we approached the battlefield, the cheers of the crowd grew louder, a symphony of excitement and anticipation that reverberated through the stadium. Stepping onto the battlefield, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, the thrill of competition awakening a primal instinct within me.

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