II Max's P.O.V

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The schoolyard buzzed with excitement as Melody, Tara, and I gathered together, ready for the greatly anticipated independent study assignment. Laughter and giggles filled the air as we exchanged playful banter, our enthusiasm overflowing. Just then, Principal Clavell stepped forward, capturing our attention. "Excellent. It seems everyone is here. Well then, it's time that I explained your independent study assignment," he announced, setting the stage for the adventure that awaited us.

"The theme will be 'A Treasure Hunt'!" Principal Clavell announced, and my mind whirred with possibilities. "I ask each of you to set out and travel the Orange Islands in search of your own treasure."

The Orange Islands, the archipelago of my adored big brother figure Ash. During our travels throughout Hoenn and Kanto, I've heard of his adventures here, and now it was my time. Unlike the other times, I would not have an adult overseeing me or taking care of me. I will be traveling with my friends for the first time and that was... exciting.

"You have all learned much within the walls of our fine academy. But now it is time to turn your eyes upon the wider world and deepen your understanding. Explore the islands' abundant nature, soak in its rich culture, discover the Pokémon that live here, and get to know the people, too." Principal Clavell's words echoed in my mind, the thrill of the unknown stirred a sense of wanderlust in my heart.

"Of course, your Pokémon partners will be there to help you," Principal Clavell assured us. "You will journey together, learn new things together, share each other's thoughts and feelings, and find something you might always treasure!"

"I look forward to welcoming you all back after your independent study...when you return to us as fine young Trainers! Let the Treasure Hunt begin! Onward!" With those words, Principal Clavell concluded his speech, as everyone in the schoolyard cheered.

The echoes of Principal Clavell's words had barely faded and I wasted no time in releasing Gallade from his Poké Ball. With a gleam in his eyes, Gallade seamlessly executed a teleportation, whisking Melody, Tara, and me away from Naranja Academy to Mikan Island. The instant our feet touched down on Mikan Island's soil, an infectious excitement swept through us like a gust of wind. Giggles erupted, and animated chatter filled the air as we contemplated the challenge that lay ahead — facing the Water Master, Cissy, and earning the Coral-Eye Badge.

"We've got this!" I exclaimed, my confidence mirrored in Gallade's unwavering gaze.

Melody and Tara shared my enthusiasm, as we huddled together, strategizing on how to conquer the Mikan Island Gym. Especially, the unique structure of the Orange Islands Pokémon League.

"Let's not forget the fact that we will need to pass a test before being allowed to challenge the gym to a Pokémon Battle," Melody pointed out with a thoughtful expression.

"The Orange Islands Pokémon League sure does things differently," Tara remarked, with a deep frown as she tried to recall what she had heard about Gym Leader Cissy. "If I am not wrong, there will be two challenges to choose from, an accuracy test or a surfing race."

"That tracks," I nodded, remembering the stories Ash had told me about his time in the Orange Islands.

Tara, with a determined glint in her eyes, announced her decision to take on the surfing race. "I've got a good feeling about it, and Finizen and I are ready to ride those waves!" Tara claimed confidently.

"Smart choice," I praised her.

Tara had been the only one of us that came to Naranja Academy without a starter, though she got one from the many rescued Pokémon. A beautiful lilac Finizen, who had been stolen by poachers for being a shiny Pokémon. Thankfully, Sarah had rescued her, when the idiotic poachers tried to smuggle her through the Orange Islands waters. Sarah then brought her to Naranja Academy, where Tara had fallen in love at first sight, and the feeling was reciprocated. The teachers had worried about leaving a young rookie trainer with a shiny Pokémon, as it was a lure to poachers, but as the Orange Islands were safe and she would be traveling with me, a runner-up of a Pokémon Conference, they had allowed Tara and Finizen to stay together.

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