II Ash's P.O.V

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Lugia, the media frenzy was just too much! Everywhere I turned, there were reporters with a gazillion questions about the Hisuian Form Pokémon. Don't get me wrong, I get it—they're a big deal. But seriously, a guy needs a breather!

So, what's a trainer gotta do? Head straight to my chill spot: the Alola Islands. The vibe there is always laid-back, and I figured it'd be the perfect escape. Without missing a beat, I dashed over to Pidgeot. Now, my beautiful girl? She's something else. I mean, I've got some speedy Pokémon, but Pidgeot? She's in a league of her own.

With a quick leap onto her back, I shouted, "To Alola, Pidgeot!"

And bam! We were off. The wind whipping past, the ground below becoming a blur—there's no better feeling than soaring through the sky with the best flyer around. Honestly, between you and me? Pidgeot might just be faster than Pikachu. Yeah, you heard that right! Pikachu's always been my speedster, zipping around like a bolt of lightning. But up against Pidgeot? It's a close call.

As we neared the Alola Islands, I felt the tension ease away. Those sandy beaches, the gentle waves—it's like the islands have this magical way of making all your worries vanish. I gave Pidgeot a good pat, thanking her for the epic ride, and took a moment to soak it all in. I was ready to kick back, those reporters could wait. Right now, I was enjoying Akala Island, until the sun settled, and I went to bed with my Pokémon.

The next morning, I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, trying to shake off that groggy feeling. "Rockruff?" I called out, hoping maybe he was just hiding somewhere or playing a prank. But no answer. My heart sank a bit. Where could he have gone?

Waking up to an empty spot where Rockruff should've been was like a punch to the gut. Ugh, just when I thought I could catch a break in Alola! I mean, sure, Pokémon wander off sometimes, but Rockruff? He's been sticking to me since day one. This was definitely out of character. Then it hit me—Professor Oak's lecture on Rockruff behavior! That little rascal was probably out there howling, thinking he's all grown-up and ready to evolve. Professor Oak did say they get a bit wilder when they're close to evolving, but I never imagined Rockruff would just up and leave like that.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips. I had to find him—and fast. Akala Island's no walk in the park, especially with all its rugged terrain and wild Pokémon roaming about. The last thing I needed was for Rockruff to get into a tussle with some territorial Yungoos or worse, a feisty Salandit. Grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder, before rushing outside the cabin.

The Alolan breeze tousled my hair as I released my trusty Flying-type squadron into the sky. "Alright, guys, we've got a runaway Rockruff on our hands. Let's spread out and find him!" I called out to my aerial team—Pidgeot, Skarmory, Staraptor, Butterfree, and Pink Butterfree.

They took off in different directions, each with a mission to scan the vast Akala landscape. Pidgeot soared gracefully, her keen eyes scanning the ground below. Skarmory, with his metallic wings, circled above, ready to cover the rugged terrains. Staraptor, the bold one, darted through the air, sharp eyes focused on every nook and cranny. Meanwhile, Butterfree and Pink Butterfree fluttered among the flowers, their compound eyes honing in on any movement.

The sun dipped lower on the horizon as we combed through the island. The anticipation hung in the air, and the gentle rustle of leaves seemed to carry the weight of our collective worry. Rockruff was out there somewhere, and I couldn't shake the nagging concern for his safety. As the minutes turned into hours, my Flying-type companions tirelessly scoured the island. Pidgeot's commanding silhouette traced the skyline, Skarmory's metallic feathers glinting in the fading sunlight. Staraptor's swift dives and ascents painted streaks across the sky. Butterfree and Pink Butterfree gracefully danced through the air, their delicate wings carrying them effortlessly.

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