I Bulbasaur's P.O.V

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So, there I was, nestled comfortably among the grass as I watched Charizard, with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, go all out on Ash's dragon squad. First up, Dragonite. Down he went, and you could practically feel the tension in the air. Charizard was still nursing that grudge from the pirate mission.

"You took my spot, and now it's payback time, buddy," Charizard growled.

The fact that it had been pouring down that fateful night, didn't seem to matter to Charizard. Revenge was a dish best served flaming hot. Though, lately I have been hearing Charizard say the opposite, while smirking evilly and cackling like a madman. What in the Distortion World happened in Alola?

Next in line – Garchomp, Flygon, Altaria, Goodra, and poor Noibat. It was like a dragon parade, and Charizard was the grand marshal. Each takedown was quick, brutal, and utterly chaotic. The sky was ablaze, and Charizard stood there, flames dancing behind him, like he just walked out of some epic battle movie.

And then came the laughter. Oh, that triumphant, echoing laughter that woke up Snorlax from his deep slumber. Quite an achievement on his own. Charizard was reveling in his victory, standing over the fallen dragons like he owned the place. I could see the OG members of Ash's team – Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Squirtle, and me – exchanging regretful glances. What had we done, letting Ash evolve that lovable Charmander into this drama queen of a monster?

We huddled together, shooting glances at the still-cackling Charizard, flames flickering in the background like he was auditioning for a blockbuster movie. Amidst the fiery chaos, I sighed. "What a drama queen," I muttered under my breath. But deep down, I couldn't deny that there was a spark of amusement in my bulb.

Pikachu, with a twitch of his ears, couldn't hold back a snort. "Dramatic much?" He agreed, a bit of sass in his voice. "He gets it from his trainer, you know. Ash is, hands down, the most dramatic human out there. No one can scold Legendaries like they're unruly kids better than him."

Squirtle nodded in agreement, his sunglasses perched casually on his head. "You've got a point, Pikachu. Remember that time he Dialga and Palkia? Talk about a high-stakes drama. Ash doesn't just battle; he puts on a show."

Butterfree and I exchanged silent glances, the unspoken agreement that we'd seen our fair share of Ash's theatrics. Pidgeot, loyal as ever, fluffed her feathers proudly. "Hey, he's our trainer," she chirped, defending Ash with a glint of feistiness. "Sure, he's dramatic, but he's got the heart of a true Pokémon Master."

Pikachu rolled his eyes, giving a sarcastic slow clap. "Bravo, Pidgeot, bravo. Maybe you'll get a role in Charizard's next fiery spectacle."

And so, the banter continued, Pikachu and Squirtle taking jabs at Ash's dramatic tendencies, while Pidgeot valiantly defended our trainer. Butterfree and I, well, we were just there for the show, silently relishing the endless entertainment that came with being part of Ash's unpredictable team.

After all, what's life without a bit of drama, especially when you're traveling with the one and only Ash Ketchum?

However, my fun did not last long. I sighed when I saw Charizard had finished and Meganium was moving to tend the fallen dragons, using the full extent of her nursing certificate. I couldn't just sit there, watching the aftermath of Charizard's fiery theatrics. Sure, it was entertaining, but someone had to clean up the mess, and that someone was me, Bulbasaur. With another sigh and a resigned shake of my bulb, I stood up, leaving the banter match behind.

Marching towards the chaos, I took a deep breath. Growth, the first move, and I could feel the energy pulsating through my vines. As I expanded, the tendrils of energy reached out, coaxing life back into the scorched earth. Seed Bomb followed, a burst of seeds exploding in mid-air, each one planting itself with a promise of rebirth. Synthesis was next, drawing energy from the renewed soil and channeling it into my bulb. The warmth spread through me, invigorating my resolve. Sunny Day and a burst of sunlight bathed the area.

Trailblaze was a tricky move, but it worked wonders. I guided the energy through the air, tracing invisible patterns that began to reshape the landscape. Energy Ball, Grassy Terrain, and Grass Pledge joined my work of rejuvenation. It was a dance of nature, a vibrant display of resilience against the destructive forces. Grass Knot was the finishing touch. I wove the grass around, creating a luscious green carpet. The backyard, once filled with craters and burned marks, now bore the marks of serenity.

As I surveyed my handiwork, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. The sound of clapping pulled me out of my thoughts. Ash was standing there, eyes wide, mouth slightly open in astonishment. A sharp whistle escaped his lips, a sign of genuine admiration. "Bulbasaur," he said, grinning broadly, "that was some next-level terrain manipulation! You're easily the best on the team when it comes to this stuff."

I felt a warmth spread through me, more potent than any sunlight. My cheeks, if one could call them that, flushed a deeper shade of green. Unintentionally, a sweet scent wafted from my bulb, a telltale sign of my emotions. I didn't often seek validation, but coming from Ash, it meant the world. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw Heracross zooming in, his antennae twitching at the scent. Oh, not this again. Without missing a beat, I swung my vines, using Power Whip to gently, but firmly, redirect him away. It was a playful gesture, but Heracross got the message, veering off with a chirpy buzz.

Ash chuckled, shaking his head. He then raised his voice, calling out to the entire team. "Hey, everyone! Gather around. I've got something important to share."

Curiosity piqued, I turned around, and my eyes widened in sheer awe. The sheer number of Pokémon that began to assemble was staggering. I knew we were a diverse and extensive team, but seeing everyone together was a sight to behold. From the fiery Charizard to the playful Pikachu, from the majestic Lugia to the tiniest of Plusle, there they were—all eighty-five of us, united under Ash's banner. My heart swelled with pride. Each one of us had our strengths, our quirks, our stories. And together, we were unstoppable. With Ash as our trainer, there was no challenge too great, no journey too daunting.

The anticipation was palpable as Ash began sharing the intricate details of the plan he had been working on. "We've got a plan," Ash began, his voice carrying a mix of pride and anxiety. "A cover story that'll help protect our Hisuian friends." He explained how they'd be holding a conference, where they'd reveal their "discovery" of numerous Hisuian Fossils and their relentless efforts to revive them. The mission was colossal, but with Ash at the helm, it felt achievable.

The choice of location for the Hisuian Pokémon Reserve was nothing short of magical. An untouched island nestled between Murcott Island and Mandarin Island South. The island's pristine beauty, adorned with small cascading waterfalls, a serene basin, meandering creeks, and a picturesque bay, made it a paradise. It was a place where nature thrived, untouched by the chaos of the outside world, filled with lush fruit trees.

"It will be named the Hisuian Island," Ash declared. "It would be a haven, a safe refuge closed off to the world, dedicated solely to the Hisuian Pokémon and their well-being." The announcement filled the air with a sense of hope and excitement, a promise of a brighter future for all. "Suzie and Khoury, Pokémon Breeders friends of mine, would oversee the reserve. Their expertise and dedication made them the perfect guardians for this monumental task. Reggie will also split his time between Sinnoh and the Orange Islands to support the Hisuian Pokémon Reserve."

"Though, there will be many dangerous people interested on the island and its inhabitants. Which is why I will request you to patrol from time to time," he turned to the Legendary Birds and Lugia, who nodded gracefully in accord. Ash's gaze then shifted towards the Hisuian Pokémon – Decidueye, Samurott, Typhlosion, and Zoroark. His smile, warm and reassuring, carried a profound message. "No more hiding," he said gently, his words echoing with freedom and acceptance.

My heart swelled with pride and gratitude, as the atmosphere erupted with joyous celebrations. Pokémon of all shapes and sizes cheered.

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