I Gary's P.O.V

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Walking around the vibrant market of Melemele Island, Ash and I shared a rare moment of tranquility amid the bustling stalls. The tropical air, saturated with the fragrance of exotic fruits and blooming flowers, enveloped us in the warm embrace of Alola's beauty. In these moments, I truly come to appreciate Ashy's Galarian Slowbro and Galarian Slowking. With their psychic abilities discreetly concealing our true identities, we navigated the Alolan streets without fanfare. It was a stroke of genius that allowed us to enjoy these ordinary moments without the intrusion of our fame.

Our visit to Alola had a purpose, a favor for my Gramps, but I couldn't resist the allure of a brief diversion. The Orange Island Pokemon League had thrown Ash into a whirlwind of responsibilities, leaving little time for us to enjoy a proper date. So, I whisked Ash away for a carefree date.

I couldn't help but steal glances at Ash, my heart swelling with affection. There was something magical about this place, about being with Ash in Alola, surrounded by the vivid tapestry of island life. The way Ash's eyes sparkled with excitement, animatedly conversing with Anela at her fruit stall, only deepened my appreciation for these stolen moments. We halted at Anela's stall, filled with delicious fresh fruit. Ash's enthusiasm for the array of fruits was infectious, and I found myself reveling in the simple joy of sharing this experience with my partner. Pikachu, perched on Ash's shoulder, nibbled on a freshly picked fruit.

Amid the vibrant colors and the chatter of the market, I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of gratitude. Grateful for the chance to steal away with Ash, grateful for the idyllic setting that framed our stolen moments, and above all, grateful for the unspoken understanding that bound us together.

We continued strolling through the bustling market of Melemele Island and found ourselves at the beach. The sun, now a molten orb on the horizon, cast a warm glow over the azure waters. With a shared glance, mischievous grins dancing on our faces, we stripped down to our swimsuits, ready to jump into the water. I couldn't help but steal a moment to appreciate Ash's physique, years of rigorous ranger work created wonders. The sun-kissed skin and the play of muscles stirred a wave of emotions within me.

Without further ado, we lunged into the water, the cool embrace washing away the warmth of the day. Laughter bubbled up between us as we engaged in a playful water war, the waves echoing our carefree spirits. It was a moment of unbridled joy, where the worries of being Champion and Frontier Brain faded away, leaving only the simple pleasure of being together.

Our Pokémon, scattered along the shoreline, mirrored the playful scene. Bulbasaur and Umbreon basked in the golden rays, content in their leisure. Pikachu and Jolteon collaborated on constructing an elaborate sandcastle, their tiny paws working in tandem. Meanwhile, Squirtle and Blastoise, held an impromptu surfing competition. The crashing waves provided the perfect backdrop to their aquatic acrobatics, each maneuver celebrated with a triumphant splash. Farther away, exploring the expanse of the island on their own terms, Rowlet and Incineroar rediscovered the charm of their island home. The lush greenery and the soothing sea breeze made the two Pokémon quite nostalgic.

Ash and I, water droplets clinging to our skin, emerged from the water, hand in hand. With laughter lingering in the air and the taste of saltwater on our lips, Ash pulled me toward the Sharpedo rental booth, and I willingly followed. The prospect of speeding across the sea on the sleek, finned Pokémon was too enticing to resist. Our shared love for the thrill of adventure and the call of the open sea made it an obvious choice for the next activity of our impromptu date. At the rental booth, we secured our Sharpedo, a speedy race ensued, fueled by a competitive spirit, I claimed victory, much to Ash's playful pout. I couldn't help but find it endearing.

We anchored ourselves at the spot where the race had concluded, the Sharpedo leisurely bobbing on the gentle waves. The beach, now a distant backdrop, was replaced by the vast expanse of the open sea. There, surrounded by a serene tranquility, Ash and I reveled in the peace that came with being away from the tourist-laden shore. We sat in companionable silence, absorbing the quietude that only the open sea could offer. The natural beauty of the open sea stretched out before us. Nature unfolded around us, with Water-type Pokémon leaping from the ocean and gracefully plunging back into the depths. The rhythmic lull of the ocean, the whisper of the sea breeze, and the occasional cry of Pelippers soaring overhead created a scenery that serenaded our senses.

I stole a glance at Ash, my gaze softened by the tender affection that had become a constant companion in our journey. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water, the sky began to transform into a watercolor palette, painting hues of oranges and purples, signaling the approaching twilight. Ash and I lingered in the space between the bustling beach and the expansive sea, savoring the beauty of the moment, a gift that neither took for granted.

Having savored the freedom of the open sea, Ash and I rode our Sharpedos back to the shore, the Pokémon's sleek bodies cutting through the water effortlessly- the thrill of the speed race still lingered. Returning the Sharpedos to their trainers, we decided to take a break with a classic treat — shaved ice. Walking hand in hand, Ash and I made our way to the shaved ice stand, Ash opted for the eye-catching red syrup, while I went for the cool blue syrup.

Enjoying our treat, we headed back to our Pokémon, only to be greeted by a surprise. The Pokémon circled around a majestic sandcastle, Pikachu and Jolteon's collaborative masterpiece. Ashy whistled in admiration, but my attention was drawn to the unexpected additions to our entourage. Standing beside Pikachu and Jolteon was an Eevee with a long fringe that clearly hindered his sight. Next to the Eevee, a spirited Rockruff bounced with unbridled excitement, his tail wagging energetically. I couldn't help but do a double take at the unexpected arrivals.

Turning to Ash with a bemused expression, I couldn't help but voice my observation. "Why is it that every time we go out, we come back with more Pokémon?" The question hung in the air, and Ash, momentarily confused, burst into laughter as realization dawned. Kneeling, he extended a hand to the exuberant Rockruff, who responded with joyful barks and nuzzles.

Ash, with a teasing glint in his eyes, playfully inquired, "Who is such a good boy?" I, witnessing the exchange, couldn't suppress a fond smile at the endearing interaction.

However, my attention shifted to the Eevee. Expressing my concerns about the increasing roster, I turned to Ash, "Of course, you'll take in Rockruff. But what about the Eevee? I think you've got enough Eeveelutions, and I have no desire to capture a new Pokémon yet. I'm too busy with my research to take care of the nurturing of a newbie." Ash, his eyes sparkling with a mysterious resolve, met my gaze.

"Do not worry," Ash replied, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "I have a plan for him."

The enigmatic response left me both intrigued and resigned, knowing that when it came to Pokémon, Ash's plans often led to unexpected and heartwarming surprises.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora