II Lillie's P.O.V

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The class was disappointed when Ash had to return to the Orange Islands. But who wouldn't be, right? Having a champion like him teach us? It was an honor. We were all throwing a little internal pity party, but you know, grateful as well.

However, my disappointment did not last long, because soon after Kahuna Olivia called me for a conversation. A conversation about my big brother! She informed me that he had already breezed through Akala Island for his Island Challenge. I'm like, "What? Seriously? He did not tell me!" Olivia's got this huge grin on her face, probably reliving the whole battle. She started going on about how she had this face-off with Gladion's Weavile and Lucario. Olivia was all smiles, describing how Gladion's Pokémon were throwing down some serious moves. You could tell she was impressed about his win. It's wild hearing about Gladion taking on Kahunas and leaving his mark. Makes me very proud.

We shared a laugh about how the double battle went down, and Olivia was, like, "Your brother's a force to be reckoned with." I couldn't agree more. Gladion's got that cool, mysterious vibe, but deep down, he's got the Pokémon skills to back it up.

Anyway, it was an incredible chat. One that unfortunately did not last long. Then again, I had promised Lana to go fishing with her. Who wouldn't wanna hang out with Lana? She's got this super chill vibe and knows her stuff when it comes to water Pokémon. Plus, I was low-key excited to spend some quality time with her.

So, there we were, all set to cast our lines and have some fun, when this old man showed up, calling himself the "master fisherman." Like, really what? He started laying down these crazy rules, saying we need his blessing or whatever to face the lake's Totem Pokémon. I'm rolling my eyes so hard at this point. But then he went into full drama mode, spinning this wild tale about his epic battle with the Totem Pokémon and showing off this obviously fake scar. Lana's not buying it either; I can see her trying not to laugh.

Then comes the kicker: he told us we had to catch a Feebas if we wanted to fish there. Like, as if! But leave it to Lana – she's a pro. She tosses in her line and, bam! She reels in a Feebas right away. The dude's jaw dropped to the floor, and I'm trying not to cheer too loudly. Classic Lana, making things look easy.

After that, he's all, "Guess you're worthy," or whatever. We swap the Feebas with him to rent this tiny boat he insists we'll need.

I shot Lana a look, "Are we seriously doing this?" but she just grinned back, all excited. Honestly, I'm also pumped too. The whole thing felt like some sort of adventure, and with Lana by my side, I know it's going to be epic.

The boat ride with Lana was wild from the start. We hadn't even set off when Lana spotted this poor Wishiwashi stuck in a tiny patch of water. I could feel my heart squeeze because, seriously, who could leave a Pokémon in pain like that? Lana, being the water Pokémon whisperer she is, tended to their injuries and sent them back into the lake with a soft smile. It's moments like these that remind me why I love hanging out with her – her kindness to Pokémon is just next level.

So, we finally get on this rickety boat, and I'm trying not to think about how it might fall apart any second. We paddle out into the middle of the lake, and I'm getting all excited about what we might reel in. But, oh boy, did I not expect a Magikarp to come splashing out. I'm thinking, Okay, not the most exciting catch, but it's a start, when that silly fish started slapping me in the face! Lana's cracking up, and I'm just hoping nobody caught that embarrassing moment on camera.

Then comes the big moment – Lana sensed something huge, and I'm ready for some Legendary Pokémon or something. But no, it's this massive Wishiwashi, and they're not playing around. Great. Just great. Meanwhile, Lana's fighting to keep our boat from becoming a jetski with this crazy Pokémon on the line. The next thing I know, we're careening into this island in the middle of the lake. Lana's handling it like a pro, but I'm basically doing my best impression of a flying Magikarp.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن