III Gladion's P.O.V

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I was seething with anger, a boiling rage simmering just beneath the surface ever since the whole debacle with Faba began. It felt like a betrayal, a slap in the face to everything we had endured as a family. How could my mother, no, how could Lusamine prioritize her research over our well-being?

The tension in the air was palpable, thick with unspoken resentment and frustration. I could see it in Lillie's eyes, the way she held herself back, biting her tongue to avoid upsetting me further. It tore at my heartstrings, knowing that she wanted to reach out to Lusamine, to check on her well-being, but felt constrained by my anger. And yet, a part of me couldn't help but feel grateful for her restraint. I didn't want Lillie to experience the disappointment and heartache that I had endured countless times before. Lusamine's obsession with her precious Ultra Beasts had always taken precedence over us, leaving us feeling neglected and abandoned.

I knew Lillie's concern for Lusamine was genuine, but I couldn't bear the thought of her being hurt again. So, I silently thanked her for her understanding, even as guilt gnawed at the edges of my conscience. It was a heavy burden to bear, knowing that I was keeping my sister at arm's length to protect her from further pain. But as I watched Lillie navigate the delicate dance of trying to support me while also tending to her own worries, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her strength and resilience. She was my rock, my constant source of support, and I vowed silently to myself that I would do everything in my power to shield her from any more harm.

Focusing on my Gym Challenge was my way of coping, a distraction from the turmoil brewing within me. Plumeria, with her Poison-type Pokémon, was a formidable opponent, her strategies as venomous as the toxins her team wielded. But I was determined not to let anything stand in my way, not even the lingering shadows of my family's dysfunction. Facing off against the Poison Master was no easy feat. Salazzle and Alolan Muk were particularly formidable opponents, their poison-infused attacks leaving my Pokémon battered and weakened. But I refused to back down, my resolve unwavering even in the face of adversity. With strategic maneuvers and calculated tactics, I managed to outmaneuver Plumeria's Pokémon and emerge victorious.

As I claimed the Spore Badge, a mix of yellow and pink with specks of spore scattered across its surface, of a shape similar to a Z-Crystal, I felt a surge of pride and satisfaction. But beneath the surface, a sense of unease lingered. Despite my victories, the shadows of doubt and uncertainty loomed large. Lusamine's actions weighed heavily on my mind, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed between my family. Yet, with each battle won, I drew one step closer to my ultimate goal, determined to prove myself and carve out my own path, regardless of the obstacles that lay ahead.

Facing off against Guzma next was no small feat. The man was a force to be reckoned with, his reputation as the Bug Master preceding him like a dark cloud. But I was not one to back down from a challenge, especially not when so much was at stake. As the referee, a blue-haired boy clad in Team Skull attire, outlined the rules of the match, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. This was it, the moment I had been training for, the chance to prove myself against one of Alola's most formidable opponents.

But as the referee chimed in with his own commentary, taunting me with the inevitability of Guzma's victory. I clenched my fists in frustration, but I refused to let doubt cloud my judgment. With a determined scowl, I squared my shoulders, meeting Guzma's gaze head-on. This battle would be tough, of that I had no doubt. But I was ready. I had come too far to let anything stand in my way, and I would not falter now, not when victory was within my grasp.

Guzma released his Masquerain with a cocky grin plastered across his face, as if victory was already assured. But I wasn't about to let him have it so easily. With a confident nod, I called forth my Midnight Form Lycanroc. As the battle unfolded, the air crackled with tension, each move met with a countermove as Masquerain and Lycanroc clashed in a fierce showdown. Masquerain's Water Pulse crashed against Lycanroc's Accelerock, the force of the impact sending ripples through the air.

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