I Lillie's P.O.V

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I gently cradled Snowy in my arms, her icy fur feeling soft against my skin. The Pokémon School's classroom was buzzing with excitement, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of pride within me. "Everyone, meet Snowy," I said, holding her up slightly for everyone to get a better look.

Gasps and whispers filled the room, and I noticed how the soft blue glow from Snowy's fur made her look even more ethereal. Mallow leaned in closer, her eyes wide with wonder. "She's beautiful, Lillie!"

Before I could respond, Professor Kukui approached, his usual cheerful demeanor brighter than ever. "Lillie, congratulations for hatching your first Pokémon Egg!"

I blushed slightly, appreciating his kind words. "Thank you, Professor."

Just as the excitement began to settle, the door creaked open again, revealing Director Oak with a Vulpix trotting happily beside him. The red-haired fox Pokémon looked up curiously, his eyes meeting Snowy's. "Seems like the Pokémon School is in for a double treat," Director Oak announced with a grin. "My Vulpix hatched from an egg as well."

The classroom erupted into soft murmurs as the two Vulpix approached each other. There was an immediate connection, a bond formed instantly. They began to play, chasing each other's tails and nuzzling affectionately. Which I found strange, as for the short time Snowy has been alive, she had only showed a preference to me and my Pokémon.

Director Oak caught my eye and gave me a knowing smile. "Looks like they're going to be great friends."

I nodded, feeling a sense of happiness. Soon the director had to go to do some paperwork but left his Vulpix in the classroom to socialize with the other Pokémon. Our class had started as soon as the bell rang, taking advantage of the two different types of Vulpix, Professor Kukui started his lesson on regional forms was both enlightening and captivating.

With animated gestures, Professor Kukui introduced the concept of regional variants. "A regional form, or regional variant, represents an alternate form of a Pokémon species specific to a particular region," he began, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "These forms can differ drastically from their original counterparts, sometimes even changing their primary type."

He directed our attention to the two Vulpix, standing side by side at the front of the room. "Notice the distinction? The Kanto Vulpix showcases the Fire-type most regions are familiar with, whereas the Alolan Vulpix boasts an Ice-type characteristic of our unique region."

A murmur of admiration rippled through the classroom, as students exchanged glances, absorbing the stark contrast between the two Pokémon. I felt a swell of pride as I looked at Snowy, her wintry beauty embodying an ethereal charm.

Professor Kukui continued, delving deeper into the topic. "Regional variants often adapt to environments distinct from their original habitats. This adaptation can manifest in various aspects, from appearance and behavior to type, moves, and even base stats."

The mention of real-world evolution and peripatric speciation added another layer of intrigue to the lesson. I found myself pondering the parallels between Pokémon adaptation and the evolutionary processes observed in nature. My curiosity sparked as I raised my hand. "Professor Kukui," I asked, "what happens when two different regional forms breed?"

The professor, always ready to encourage curiosity, smiled at my question. "Excellent question, Lillie!" he exclaimed before launching into a detailed explanation. "When two Pokémon of different regional forms breed, the offspring typically inherits the form corresponding to the region in which they were bred, regardless of their parents' forms. This means that the offspring will reflect the unique characteristics of the region they call home."

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