I Josh's P.O.V

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From the moment I first met Ash, I sensed there was something extraordinary about him. They call him The Saint out there, but to me and my team, he's always been The Slayer. I've seen firsthand how he tackled challenges, scolded Legendaries, and took down criminal syndicates with an ease that left most of us in awe. It's not just about his skills as a trainer, but his heart, his determination, his spirit. That's what makes Ash truly special.

Being the Head Commissioner Ranger in the Orange Islands isn't just a title to me; it's a responsibility, one that I hold close to my heart. When I was part of Ash's Sinnoh Ghost Team, I felt a connection, a bond that went beyond just duty. He made me believe in our mission, and together, we achieved the impossible by bringing down Team Galactic. That's the kind of leader Ash is. He doesn't just inspire you to follow him; he makes you want to be a better version of yourself.

When Ash decided to journey to the Orange Islands, I knew deep down that I would follow him. How could I not? My wife, Sarah, who also now happens to be my second in command, felt the same pull. We've been through thick and thin with Ash and standing by his side in the Orange Islands felt like the most natural thing in the world. Imagine my pride when I saw not just Ash's Ghost Teams but many other rangers too, all eager to work under Champion Ash. The recruitment centers were buzzing with excitement, filled with hopeful trainers who looked up to Ash with admiration shining in their eyes. Every time I saw that spark, that enthusiasm, it reaffirmed my belief in Ash's leadership.

Setting up the new headquarters for the Ranger Orange Islands Commission was no small feat. But with Ash leading the charge, things fell into place. I could see the determination in his eyes, the same fire that had driven us in the Sinnoh region. It made me realize how far we had come and how much further we could go with Ash at the helm.

There were moments, amidst all the chaos and adventure, when we would sit back and reflect on our journey. Ash would talk about his dreams, his aspirations, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Here was a young man who had touched so many lives, including mine, in ways he probably didn't even realize.

So, when we first got wind of those pirates causing trouble in the Orange Islands, my gut reaction was a mix of frustration and determination. Knowing that scoundrels were trying to exploit its waters didn't sit well with me. I've seen Ash face insurmountable odds and come out on top. He's got this innate ability to rise above challenges, always with that same fire in his eyes and determination in his heart. So, when I heard about these new pirates thinking they could challenge him, I couldn't help but smirk. They had no idea what they were up against.

The Orange Islands, a place Ash had already cleansed of criminal activities years ago, seemed to be attracting trouble again. Pirates, bold and seemingly unaware of history, dared to challenge the legendary Champion. Ash had made a reputation for himself, the very mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of those who tread the wrong side of the law. But these newcomers, they hadn't gotten the memo. They thought they could stand up to the unstoppable force that was Ash, The Slayer. It was almost comical, the audacity of a new crew thinking they could take on someone who had already triumphed against traffickers and sea criminals.

Sarah and I have been by Ash's side through thick and thin, seen him face challenges that would break lesser individuals. But Ash is different; he thrives in adversity, uses it as fuel to drive him forward. I could already picture him, pouring over maps and strategizing with his Pokémon, preparing for the mission ahead. And I knew that when the time came, we'd be right there beside him, ready to do whatever it takes to protect the Orange Islands and uphold the legacy of the legendary Champion Ash.

As I sat there, lost in thought, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Pride for Ash and all he's accomplished, and pride for the team we've become, bound together by a shared purpose and an unbreakable bond. I had faith in Ash, faith in my team, and faith that together, we'd overcome whatever obstacles lay in our path.

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