III Lillie's P.O.V

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As Gladion and I sat together, his expression was one of vindictive satisfaction, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Meanwhile, I couldn't shake the overwhelming sadness that seemed to consume me, my thoughts drifting to the tumultuous turn of events that had led us to this moment.

"Dad becoming the Chairman of the Aether Foundation... It's not what I expected," I admitted quietly, my voice tinged with a sense of resignation. "And Mom... being in house arrest at the Aether State..."

I trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the turmoil swirling within me. It was a lot to process, the sudden change of our family dynamic left me feeling adrift and uncertain. Gladion's smirk only seemed to deepen at my words, his satisfaction at our mother's predicament evident. It was a stark difference to my own emotions, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the divide between us.

"It's like everything fell apart so quickly," I mused, my voice barely above a whisper as I spoke. "I never imagined things would turn out like this."

Gladion's smirk faltered slightly, his expression softening as he regarded me with a hint of understanding. "Yeah," he agreed quietly, his tone devoid of his earlier satisfaction. "But we'll get through this, Lillie. Together."

His words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. Then Dad entered the room and mentioned the driver waiting for me outside. I felt a pang of reluctance, leaving Gladion and Dad behind felt like tearing a piece of my heart away, even if it was just for a short while. I leaned in to kiss their cheeks, a silent gesture of affection and gratitude. Gladion's eyes softened, despite his usual stoicism, I could sense the underlying warmth in his gaze. Dad, too, returned my kiss with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and unwavering support.

With Snowy nestled securely in my arms, I returned Kō and Magearna to their Poke Balls. Taking a deep breath, I climbed into the waiting car, the engine purring to life as it began to carry me away. As the car rolled along the familiar roads towards Pokémon School, my mind was consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Despite the comforting hum of the engine and the gentle sway of the vehicle, I couldn't shake the unease that gripped me.

The urge to see Mom tugged at my heartstrings like a persistent ache. I longed to assure myself of her well-being, to see with my own eyes that she was safe and unharmed. But with every passing moment, the weight of Gladion's silent disapproval hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed between us. I understood his reasons, of course. Gladion's protective instincts were fierc, and he was determined to shield me from any further harm. But that didn't make it any easier to accept the distance that had grown between us.

As we neared Pokémon School, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at my conscience. The thought of Mom languishing in house arrest at the Aether State filled me with a sense of helplessness and frustration. I wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to offer her the comfort and reassurance she so desperately needed. But I knew that doing so would only exacerbate the tension between Gladion and me, driving a deeper wedge between us.

Lost in my thoughts, I gazed out the window at the passing scenery, the lush greenery of the Alolan landscape blurring into a hazy backdrop. As we pulled up to Pokémon School, I took a deep breath, steeling myself. Stepping into the bustling classroom, I was immediately enveloped by a wave of concern from my classmates. Their voices, a chorus of worried whispers, washed over me like a gentle breeze, their faces etched with expressions of genuine care and sympathy. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

I could feel their eyes on me, their silent questions hanging in the air like unspoken words. "Are you okay, Lillie?" "Do you need anything?" Their genuine concern was both heartwarming and slightly suffocating.

Despite the warmth of their gestures, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at being the center of attention. I wasn't accustomed to being the focus of such scrutiny, and the sudden spotlight made me feel exposed, vulnerable even. But I knew that their intentions were pure, driven by nothing but genuine concern for my well-being.

Taking a deep breath, I plastered a tight smile on my lips, my attempt at reassurance feeling more like a grimace than anything else. "I'm okay, thank you," I murmured softly, my voice barely above a whisper. It felt strange to be on the receiving end of such attention, a reminder of how much I had grown since Ash's arrival in Alola.

As I navigated the sea of concerned faces, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me, mingled with a hint of guilt. These were my friends, my classmates, and they had welcomed me into their midst with open arms, offering me their support and friendship without hesitation. And yet, here I was, struggling with my own insecurities and doubts, unsure of how to reciprocate their kindness. But as their words of encouragement and offers of assistance continued to flow, I realized that I didn't have to face my challenges alone.

With a renewed sense of determination, I squared my shoulders and met their gazes head-on, my smile widening into one of genuine gratitude. "Thank you, everyone," I said, my voice ringing with sincerity. "I appreciate your concern more than you know."

They smiled at me, their postures relaxing at seeing me smile honestly. As the school bell rang, we all went to our seats. The classroom buzzed with excitement as Professor Kukui entered, his broad smile lighting up the room like the sun breaking through the clouds. His presence commanded attention, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity as he cleared his throat, his expression a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

"Hey, everyone!" Professor Kukui began, his voice brimming with excitement. "I've got some big news to share with you all."

Instantly, the room erupted into a cacophony of eager whispers and excited murmurs, the anticipation palpable in the air. All eyes were on Professor Kukui, and I found myself leaning forward in my seat, curiosity piqued by the cryptic announcement.

"I... I'm getting married!" Professor Kukui exclaimed, his words ringing out like a joyful proclamation. "Professor Burnet and I have decided to tie the knot!"

The room fell silent for a moment, stunned into silence by the unexpected revelation. Then, as the reality of his words sank in, a chorus of congratulations filled the air, the sound echoing off the walls in a wave of heartfelt well-wishes.

"Congratulations, Professor!" Kiawe exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming!" Sophocles student chimed in, his surprise evident in his tone.

I couldn't help but share in the collective astonishment, my mind reeling with the unexpected news. Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, getting married? It was a revelation that caught me completely off guard. As the excitement in the room began to settle, Professor Kukui took a moment to address the class, his smile widening as he shared a few more details about the upcoming wedding. Though, I was a little disappointed when he informed us that they were not planning anything big. Professor Kukui was the best teacher I had ever had and they deserve a wedding to remember.

The energy in the classroom shifted seamlessly from surprise to excitement as the news of Professor Kukui's impending nuptials sank in. My classmates buzzed with enthusiasm, their minds already spinning with ideas and plans for the upcoming wedding. It was infectious, and I found myself caught up in the whirlwind of anticipation.

As the break between classes began, the air crackled with excitement as my classmates gathered in a small group, their heads bent together in animated conversation. I watched with a mixture of amusement and curiosity as they began to hatch their mischievous plans to organize the perfect wedding for our beloved professor. There were whispers of decorations, suggestions for venues, and even talk of surprise guests and elaborate surprises. It was clear that my classmates were determined to make Professor Kukui's wedding a day to remember, and their enthusiasm was contagious.

For the first time since I left the Aether Mansion, I found myself smiling genuinely, the weight of my worries about my mother momentarily lifted by the infectious joy of my classmates. It felt good to be a part of something positive, to lose myself in the excitement of planning and organizing. I joined in the conversation eagerly, my mind racing with ideas as I spoke with Mallow about the menu for the wedding. We bounced ideas off each other, our laughter mingling with the chatter of our classmates as we brainstormed creative and delicious dishes to serve on the big day.

Surrounded by my friends, I finally started to believe that everything will be fine at the end.

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