I Ash's Lucario's P.O.V

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As I emerged from my Poke Ball into the dimly lit cavern, a shiver ran down my spine. The air felt heavy with an otherworldly energy, and the faint glimmer of colorful rocks adorning the walls cast eerie shadows across the rugged terrain. It was a stark contrast to the familiar landscapes of the Orange Islands, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over me. Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, I quickly recognized the telltale signs of the Ultra Deep Sea in the Ultra World, a realm shrouded in mystery and danger. Poipole's tales of this enigmatic realm came rushing back to me, each word now taking on a new meaning.

Beside me, Mega Charizard X and Mega Pidgeot were out their Poke Balls, while Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder like always. But it was the sight of the humans—Josh, Sarah, Rodrick, Rose, and Ash—donning their ranger outfits that brought a sense of clarity to the situation. This was no ordinary expedition; we were on a ranger mission. Gathering my thoughts, I steeled myself for the journey ahead, drawing upon the aura bond shared between myself and my trainer, Ash. A smile spread through my lips as I felt the calm-reassurance being sent back through our aura bond.

"Hey," Mega Charizard X landed beside me. "Quite a place, eh."

"As perturbing as Poipole shared. I still cannot believe this place used to be filled with light and vegetation." I replied. "What are we doing here?"

Mega Charizard X huffed, his blue flames flickering. "We are on a mission to save the blonde Aether woman, she went and got herself kidnapped by the Ultra Beasts."

I grimaced at the idea of saving a woman like Lusamine. "Do we really need to? I mean, she tried to experiment on Nebby. I'm sure no one will miss her."

Mega Charizard X threw his head back and barked a manic laugh, while Mega Pidgeot came to land beside us with a disappointed look on her face. "I'm sure her children would disagree... though, after what she did to them, they might not be that angry if he botched the mission."

Mega Charizard X was wheezing by then, holding his stomach as he gasped for air mid-laugh. I ignored him and turned to Mega Pidgeot. "What did she do to her kids? I thought she loved them."

"She does, she simply loves her Ultra Beasts more," Mega Pidgeot answered with a dark expression. "She released Faba from prison to help her open an Ultra Wormhole... it backfired."

"Faba?! Is she insane? That idiot broke one of the cardinal rules that the Psychic-types live on!" I was astounded by her stupidity, then a shiver ran through my spine. "Does her Majesty know? She was the one who discovered him and put him in prison, if she finds out... the Distortion World will break out."

Even Mega Charizard X shuddered at that. "She does not, there's a reason why she remains in her Poke Ball. Ash is waiting until Faba is back behind bars before telling her anything."

"Good," I relaxed, the tension in my body leaving. "By the way, why is there a Legendary Pokémon in our team?" I pointed at Solgaleo, who was lying down, all relaxed and calm.

"That's Nebby, he evolved and opened an Ultra Wormhole for us," Mega Pidgeot answered, with a motherly smile.

"No way!" My eyes widened, as I turned around to look at Solgaleo intensely. "Well, her Majesty won't be complaining anymore about being suddenly teleported to the middle of the ocean."

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora