I Max's P.O.V

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Man, let me tell you, after two years of being on the road with Ash, exploring Unova and Kalos, I never thought staying in one place and hitting the books would be this exciting. But here I am, soaking it all in at Naranja Academy, and let me tell ya, it's downright awesome.

So, I'm in the Gym Trainer Track, right? It's like, school, but with a twist – we're not just dealing with boring old textbooks. I mean, sure, I got your regular classes like math, geography, and the whole shebang. But the cool part? We also get down and dirty with some serious gym battle action. You know, we're talking strategy sessions where we cook up plans like we're in some secret Pokémon command center. Picture this – me and my class, huddled around a table, scribbling down tactics like we're plotting the greatest heist ever. And no, it's not stealing – it's strategizing.

Then comes the mock battles. Man, that's where the real fun kicks in. We're not pulling punches here; it's like a full-on Pokémon showdown. Gallade, Meganium, and the gang – we're all in, giving it our best shot. The thrill of battle, the rush of trying out new moves, it's like being on the edge of a Poké Ball.

And the training sessions – they're not your run-of-the-mill workouts. We got specialists showing us the ropes, teaching us how to bring out the best in our Pokémon. It's like having our very own senseis, and trust me, it's a blast. We're talking hardcore training, the kind that makes you feel like you could take on any Gym Leader and come out on top.

And you know what's the best part? The Academy is like a Pokémon paradise. Pokémon everywhere, students bonding with their partners, it's like we're all part of this big Pokémon family. The excitement is contagious – you can feel the energy buzzing in the air. Sure, it's not the same as being out there on the road, but Naranja Academy, with its mix of regular classes and hardcore gym training, is like the best of both worlds. I'm soaking in knowledge, honing my skills, and loving every minute of it. Who knew school could be this cool?

Academically, I'm doing pretty well, not that surprising. I mean, I've always been the top student of my class back in Petalburg City. What surprised me is that I am doing much better in the hands-on classes than the theorical ones. Who would've thought that gym battles and hardcore training would come easier to me than solving math problems? But, hey, I'll take it. Now, when it comes to socializing, you know, making friends and all that jazz, I was kinda expecting to be stuck in my old "know-it-all" reputation. Back in Petalburg City, kids didn't exactly line up to be buddies with the guy who always had his nose in a book. But guess what? Naranja Academy turned out to be a whole different story.

I'm not saying I'm the coolest cat in town, but I'm sorta popular. Yeah, I was just as surprised as you are right now. I guess people saw my moves at the Vertress Conference and how I nearly rocked the Lumiose Conference semi-finals. Plus, having a Gym Leader dad in Hoenn and a sis who's a two-time Top Coordinator – yeah, that made me a bit of a celebrity here. Luckily, no one found out about me being mentored by Ash, now that would have made my stay at the Academy unbearable. It would be every day of questions about Ash and classmates trying to become my fake friends to get closer to Ash.

Now, don't get me wrong, everyone's friendly. They wanna chat, share Pokémon stories, the whole deal. It's like I'm living in a Pokémon-themed sitcom. But here's the deal – there are two classmates in the Gym Trainer Track who I'd call true friends, you know, the ride-or-die kind. First up, we got Melody. She's not just any girl; she's Elite Four Utau's little sister. And man, she's got this aura of coolness that's hard to ignore. We clicked from the get-go, probably bonded over our shared love for Pokémon battles and our siblings being hardcore trainers. Melody's got this vibe that's chill yet fierce – she's like the queen of cool without even trying.

Then there's Tara, Trip's little sis. You know Trip, the dude with the serious face and the crazy camera skills? Well, Tara's cut from the same cloth. We hit it off over some mock battles, and it turns out we both love a good challenge. She's got this competitive spirit that's contagious, and honestly, she's one of the most genuine people you'll meet. She did not mind that I disqualified her brother from the Vertress Conference, which I am very glad about. Not to mention that she is the second fan of Ash. Who is the first? Well, of course, me!

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