I Charizard's P.O.V

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I huffed and puffed, a literal expression of my discontent. I mean, come on! I was all set to soar into action, flames dancing with anticipation, and what did I get? A rain check. Literally. Ash decided, "No, Charizard, not today. It's raining, so we'll go with Dragonite instead."

Dragonite! Can you believe it?

So, there I was, standing on the sidelines, wings crossed and a pout that could rival any Charmander's temper tantrum. The storm might have been wreaking havoc out at sea, but my fiery spirit had been ready to bring the heat. You could have almost seen the smoke coming out of my ears.

Ash, oblivious as ever, had patted me on the head like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Don't worry, Charizard. You'll get your turn. Dragonite is just filling in for now." Yeah, right. That's easy for him to say. I wanted to unleash my Flamethrower, feel the power of my wings cutting through the stormy winds, and show those pirates what a real force of nature looks like.

But no, Dragonite got the spotlight. I had to watch from the sidelines as that goofy, yet somehow endearing, Dragonite soared into action. The rain might have been falling, but it was like he didn't even notice. Thunder roared, waves crashed, and Dragonite? Well, he had a grand old time. I had to admit, the guy knew how to make an entrance.

Meanwhile, I had been stuck in the Champion Tower, feeling like a Charizard-shaped lamp post. Ash had tried to console me with some words about teamwork and strategy, but who needs strategy when you've got a Flamethrower that could scorch the heavens?

When the battle was over, and the news channels blared with victory reports, I couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh. Maybe next time, I thought, shaking off the metaphorical rainclouds. But deep down, I still couldn't shake the feeling that it should've been me up there, riding the storm, and turning those pirates into toasty marshmallows.

Luckily, for me (and everyone, if you asked his teammates) Ash took me with him on his next excursion to the Alola Islands. Ah, finally! A chance for me to spread my fiery wings and make an entrance. The Alola Islands might not have been the battleground I dreamt of, but it was better than standing on the sidelines. And hey, maybe there'd be a dragon or two to keep things interesting.

So, there I was, soaring through the skies of Alola, with the sun beating down and the salty breeze whipping past my scales. We landed in some town where Ash had to check on his students and their Eeveelutions. Eeveelutions! Seriously, I could turn any place into a blazing inferno, and they were playing with Eevees? I shook my head, trying to focus on the bright side – at least there was potential for some excitement.

Then, there it was. The silver lining to this Alolan cloud. Lillie and Director Oak's Pokemon Eggs had hatched, revealing an Alolan Vulpix and a regular Vulpix. I fixed my gaze on the Alolan Vulpix, a little ball of fluff named Snowy. Adorable, right? But my smirk widened into a full-blown grin because I knew what that innocent-looking creature would become – an Alolan Ninetales, a dragon slayer in the making.

Revenge against Dragonite, the usurper of storms, was going to be served cold. As cold as the Mount Lanakila winds that Alolan Ninetales would summon. I could almost hear the icy howls already. My heart warmed at the thought of Snowy evolving into a majestic, ice-crowned beauty, ready to give Dragonite a run for his money. Revenge was a dish best served with an Ice Beam, or so I imagined.

The visit might have been a bit dull, with Ash's lessons and all, but the promise of future battles and watching Snowy evolve kept my flames flickering with anticipation. The Alola Islands might not have been my first choice, but if it meant settling some old scores with Dragonite, then count me in. Until then, I basked in the warmth of my own fantasies, imagining the day when Snowy would stand tall, ready to unleash an icy storm that would make even me, Charizard, feel a chill.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora