I Trip's P.O.V

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The Sevii Islands were a breath of fresh air for me. Becoming the Champion of the Indigo Conference was a dream realized, a victory that was celebrated with my family back in Unova. Now, facing the formidable Battle Frontier, I could sense the gravity of the challenge. Legendary Pokémon, powerful trainers, and fierce competition awaited me. Still, I embraced it with enthusiasm, ready to prove myself once again.

My first opponent was none other than Factory Head Thorton. The Battle Factory Challenge was unconventional yet exciting. Utilizing Pokémon that weren't my own felt odd, but it was a challenge of adaptability and strategy. I emerged victorious, earning my Factory Prints – the first of many tokens of triumph.

Currently, I found myself at the Research Lab, the facility overseen by none other than Gary Oak, Ash Ketchum's longtime rival and boyfriend. I reminded myself not to underestimate Gary – a trainer with history, experience, and a formidable reputation. Sure, he might lack Legendary Pokémon, but he held something even more valuable – the legacy of being Ash's first and enduring rival.

Entering the Research Lab, my eyes widened at the unexpected sight that awaited me. The entire place was abuzz with activity – professors, lab assistants, and even reporters filled the room. To my surprise, some of the most renowned names in the Pokémon world were present. Professor Oak from Kanto, Professor Elm from Johto, Professor Birch from Hoenn, Professor Rowan from Sinnoh, Professor Juniper from Unova, Professor Kukui from Alola, Professor Magnolia from Galar, and Professor Sycamore from Kalos were all gathered. Not to forget, the esteemed Professor Ivy from the Sevii Islands neighbors, the Orange Islands. It stirred my curiosity. What was the reason for this grand assembly, and why were reporters from all over here? After all, Gary was related to Professor Oak and had studied under Professor Rowan and Professor Sycamore.

The podium at the front suggested that some kind of presentation awaited. So, I decided to linger, hoping to find out. After all, it was not like I could challenge Gary today, not when he was clearly busy. As the room hushed in anticipation, Gary Oak finally made his appearance and stood before us all on the podium.

"Thank you for joining me today," Gary Oak began with a calm but firm tone. "Today, I stand before you not just as a researcher but as a fellow seeker of knowledge and a devotee of the remarkable bond between Pokémon and trainers. As many of you know, the journey from an Onix to a Steelix or a Seadra to a Kingdra often involves Evolutionary Item. But have you ever wondered why some Pokémon need these stones while others evolve without them?

Ladies and gentlemen, trainers, professors, esteemed guests, and my fellow Pokémon enthusiasts, I present to you the Stone Gene – the secret orchestrator of Evolutionary Stone-induced evolution. This remarkable gene holds the key to unlocking the potential within certain Pokémon. Now, it's vital to note that not all Pokémon possess this, Stone Gene. Those that evolve without the need for a Stone have taken a different evolutionary path. The Stone Gene, when activated through contact with an Evolutionary Item, sets off a chain reaction resulting in the production of an exotic protein. It's this very protein that acts as a catalyst, generating chemical signals that induce the magnificent phenomenon we know as evolution.

Of course, if we talk about Evolutionary Items, we have to mention the enigma of Everstone. This unassuming stone, when held, acts as a safeguard against evolution. In our research, we've discovered that Everstone prevents the secretion of the exotic protein, allowing Pokémon to remain in their current forms.

Our research laboratory, led by yours truly, has delved deep into the mysteries of this Stone Gene. With our experimentation we've discovered this chain effect in many evolutions. Sinistea who evolved into a Polteageist with a Chipped Pot. Galarian Slowpoke evolved with the aid of a Galarica Wreath or Cuff into a Galarian Slowking or Slowbro, respectively. Clamperl evolved into either Gorebyss or Huntail, depending on the Evolutionary Item. Seadra evolved as Kingdra with the aid of a Dragon Scale. Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed when graced by a King's Rock, just as Slowpoke did to evolve into a Slowking. Onix becomes a Steelix when in contact with a Metal Coat.

Scyther's metamorphosis into Scizor involves a Metal Coat, while Feebas blossoms into the majestic Milotic with the delicate touch of a Prism Scale. Sneasel uses a Razor Claw for their evolution into Weavile. Rhydon evolves into a Rhyperior with the assistance of a Protector. Happiny's evolution into Chansey relies on an Opal Stone. Lastly, Gligar's ascent into Gliscor becomes reality when given a Razor Fang.

But my friends, this is merely a preview! In the forthcoming research paper, we delve into the specifications, unraveling the intricacies of why a particular Evolutionary Item influences a specific Pokémon. But, my fellow researchers, our quest is far from over. The Evolutionary Stones, diverse in their effects, beckon us to explore their unique properties. Why does a Fire Stone aid in the evolution of so many Pokémon? When a Razor Fang only affects the Gligar line? We still have so much to study and research.

The Stone Gene is a key, unlocking the secrets of transformation, and together, we shall continue our exploration into the depths of this captivating phenomenon. Thank you for your time and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. May our shared love for Pokémon fuel the flames of curiosity, guiding us toward even greater revelations."

Whoa, talk about a plot twist! There I was, standing in the midst of a scientific revelation that rocked the very foundations of Pokémon World. I couldn't believe my luck—I happened to stumble into this presentation and little did I know it was about to blow my mind. Gary Oak, the guy who practically grew up with Ash, had just dropped a bombshell. The Stone Gene? Evolutionary Items? Exotic proteins? It was like a Pokémon-themed sci-fi movie unfolding right in front of my eyes. My jaw must've hit the floor as Gary spilled the beans on these groundbreaking discoveries.

As Gary continued his speech, the room erupted into chaos. Professors, lab assistants, and reporters were firing questions faster than an Electrode using Explosion. I felt like I was in a whirlwind of information, desperately trying to catch every bit of what Gary was revealing.

And there I was, berating myself silently. How could I have underestimated the Kantonians? Sure, I thought I had the upper hand coming from Unova, but these guys were playing on a whole different level. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that the world of Pokémon was vast, and Kanto trainers were not to be taken lightly. In the midst of the frenzy, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This was the kind of stuff trainers dreamt about unraveling the mysteries of Pokémon.

As the questions flew and the buzz in the room reached a fever pitch, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. I couldn't wait to see where this revelation would take us. One thing was for sure—my journey just got a whole lot more interesting.

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