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Chapter 124 Happy Event

Novel: "I am reborn and set up a street stall in the apocalypse" |Shihu | Updated: Collected: 2 years ago

The moving work lasted a whole day. After the move was completed, Ye Shaoyang and the others spent another whole day arranging the people and materials in the team.

Because the place is spacious enough, there are enough vacant houses, and Wang Xufeng also followed Ye Shaoyang's request to divide their new safe area into two parts: the inner and outer parts. No one else can enter the core area at all, so this time, Ye Shaoyang moved. The family and the Wang family were all allocated an independent small building built by the villagers.

In addition to them, Chen Hailong, Xiao Liang, Mo Xiaohan, Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu were also assigned their own single-family buildings.

Si Jiawen and Si Jiajia, who were not members of the team leadership, lived in a small single-family building belonging to Xiao Liang.

Mo Xiaohan, who had his own house, also moved into Xiao Liang's small building for the convenience of eating.

Because Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu finally settled down, they planned to officially be together.

In today's world, they had no place to get a marriage certificate, so the two decided to simply treat everyone to a meal, which would be considered as their official marriage.

Although it was inconvenient for Chen Hailong to live alone with girls and children, he wisely chose to be a neighbor with Xiao Liang - so that he could go to Xiao Liang to eat and drink anytime and anywhere.

The wedding banquet of Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong was held at noon on the twelfth day after they moved to the village. They did not invite a large number of guests.

The official members of the team, Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong, did not invite all of them to sit down. They just asked the hired logistics staff to add two dishes to everyone, one was braised pork and the other was spicy chicken.

In addition to these two hard dishes, Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong also had people distribute a small box of various candies to each of the official team members.

Except for Ye Shaoyang, Xiao Liang and others who have a fatal friendship with Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu, the others who are eligible to eat at Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong's new home are all relatives and friends of Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu.

Of course, the families of Ye Shaoyang and Wang Xufeng, as well as the Si family brothers and sisters, were all invited.

Wang Xufeng prepared wine for them at the wedding banquet, but Xiao Liang, who was responsible for today's defense, didn't take a sip.

Although the possibility of something happening is very small, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. Be careful and sail the ship for ten thousand years.

After the low-key but festive banquet, Xiao Liang's life returned to normal.

As a young couple, Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong have no self-consciousness about being a young couple. Except that they go back to the same home at night, their daily lives are almost the same as before.

On the contrary, Chen Hailong, who suddenly became enlightened for some reason, has been surrounding Mo Xiaohan with all kinds of courtesy.

Mo Xiaohan has a withdrawn personality and doesn't like chatting with others all the time, but she doesn't dislike Chen Hailong hanging around her.

Firstly, Chen Hailong is the type that Mo Xiaohan likes because of his simple mind, straightforward personality and righteousness. Secondly, Chen Hailong is really easy to make people happy. Some of his words and actions that he doesnt find funny, and even very serious, are He always makes those who interact with him laugh involuntarily.

Because of this, Xiao Liang indulged Chen Hailong particularly, and Mo Xiaohan also had a high degree of tolerance for Chen Hailong.

In Qiu Liangyu's words, this may be the so-called "foolish people are blessed".

"By the way, Xiao Liang, I saw Liu Haofang in S City yesterday." After finishing the candy together, Qiu Liangyu gossiped with Xiao Liang about what she had seen and heard yesterday.

She went shopping with Zhen Zhitong.

Although the official survivor team in S City still refuses to accept survivor teams from outside the city, this does not prevent them from making full use of the human survivors gathered outside S City.

As early as half a month ago, the official survivor team of S City had carved out an open space outside S City, where they built a rather crude trading market and mission center.

In the trading market, they simply built some houses to earn rent, but they were not responsible for helping to maintain the market order after the market opened.

There are people maintaining the mission center. After all, this is an official organization belonging to the official survivor team of S City.

They post tasks here, and those who complete their tasks receive rewards here.

Because they often need to store various materials as rewards for missions, the official survivor team of S City not only equipped the mission center with powerful armed forces, but also built the mission center extremely solidly.

All kinds of security measures are put together, and its safety factor is no less than that of a bank vault before the end of the world.

Ye Shaoyang and the others have no intention of helping the official survivor team in S City with their missions. They have their own sources of supplies, and there is no need to risk the lives of their team members on those thankless and dangerous missions.

What they are more interested in is the trading market next to the mission center.

Although the trading market is not orderly, there are still many survivors who choose to exchange materials with others in the trading market.

Xiao Liang and the others also belong to the group of people who can exchange supplies with others in the trading market. After all, they have big fists and are not afraid of people with evil intentions trying to get their supplies.

To be more precise, they actually wished for some blind guy to take advantage of their supplies, because in this case, they could confidently go back and loot.

Who doesnt like business without capital? It's just that they all have a lower bottom line.

"Why didn't you respond at all?" After Qiu Liangyu finished speaking, she didn't hear Xiao Liang's response, so she could only reach out and gently push Miss Xiao, who was thinking about something.

"I don't know how I should react." Xiao Liang lazily spread out his face and lay on the folding bed on the balcony to bask in the sun. "I'm not interested in her, and I never thought about taking the initiative to cause trouble for her."

Qiu Liangyu thought about it too.

She asked Xiao Liang, "Are you interested in Qi Dafei's affairs?"

Xiao Liang was interested, so she raised her eyelids and asked, "What's wrong with Qi Dafei?"

"He plans to move to our place too."

"Oh." Xiao Liang has already heard about this matter. Qi Dafei talked directly to Ye Shaoyang. After Qi Dafei left, Ye Shaoyang immediately told this matter to Xiao Liang, a person who was very friendly to Qi Dafei. .

"He doesn't want to be neighbors with us like other teams, but he wants to merge the people in his team directly into our team."

Xiao Liang turned over and sat up - couldn't she be allowed to bask in the sun?

Qiu Liangyu chuckled, "I knew you hadn't heard about it yet."

Xiao Liang glanced at her sideways.

Qiu Liangyu raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "I just heard about it. Before I came to find you, Datong took Qi Dafei to go to our captain to talk about it."

✓ The reborn me is setting up a street stall in the apocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora