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Chapter 38 Take a bite

Novel: "I am reborn and set up a street stall in the apocalypse" |Shihu | Updated: Collected: 3 years ago

A month later, the temperature in City D officially broke below zero.

During this month, Ye Shaoyang successively recruited more than 80 official members and more than 50 old, weak, women and children into their team.

Most of the more than 80 official team members are acquaintances of Chen Hailong, Wang Xufeng, Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu in D City.

Chen Hailong's friends, like him, basically have a bit of a gangster spirit. These people are young, strong, agile, and good at fighting. Adding them to the team can greatly improve their overall combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Hailong brainwashed them anytime and anywhere, these people soon became Ye Shaoyang's little fans just like Chen Hailong.

Although the friends of Zhen Zhitong and Qiu Liangyu are both male and female and have average combat abilities, they are all very self-conscious and self-disciplined. They not only obey management, but also actively want to contribute to the team.

The only troublesome thing is the group of people who joined the team because of Wang Xufeng.

Before the end of the world, all of these people were so-called social elites.

Although they have suffered somewhat since the end of the world, this does not prevent most of them from continuing to look down on gangsters like Chen Hailong, ordinary citizens like Xiao Liang and Mo Xiaohan, Qiu Liangyu and Zhen Zhitong, a small businessman with little potential, and Ye Shaoyang, a poor soldier who seemed to them to have little education.

On the one hand, these people want to maintain their modest appearance as "educated people" and show their "qualified and educated" side, but on the other hand, they are always eager to show that they are superior to others.

Therefore, Xiao Liang and the others, unfortunately, could always hear other people's smiling and roundabout sarcasm about them.

They are not angry that others think they are stupid and cannot understand what others are saying. If they are angry, others will call them "unqualified and have low emotional intelligence" with contempt.

If Wang Xufeng hadn't clearly supported Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang himself was currently the most powerful player in the team, his position as captain would have been replaced.

Just when Xiao Liang began to wonder whether he should teach these freeloaders a lesson, Wang Xufeng himself finally couldn't stand their ability to cause trouble.

"This is not the way to go." He found Ye Shaoyang, "I think you should stop letting them stay in the villa area. When you go out to look for supplies next time, take these people out and beat them."

Ye Shaoyang also had this intention. To be honest, if it weren't for Wang Xufeng's face, he would have already dealt with these unscrupulous things.

It made no sense that he, the captain who was looked down upon by them, would lead a large group of team members who were also looked down upon by them, searching for supplies everywhere every day, and supporting this group of so-called companions who looked down upon him in vain.

Ye Shaoyang has a good temper, not a heartless person. Just because he doesn't say anything doesn't mean he isn't angry at all.

What's more, he is surrounded by Chen Hailong, a stubborn person, Qiu Liangyu, a hot-tempered person, and Xiao Liang, a violent person. With these three people complaining about those self-righteous white-eyed wolves every day, Ye Shaoyang will inevitably be affected by their emotions.

"If they can see the situation clearly, then you can train them ruthlessly and let them realize their existence value. If they are still like this, then you don't have to look at my face anymore.

During this period of time, Wang Xufeng was really driven out of his anger by these people.

Originally, he thought that these people used to be his subordinates, and he was quite familiar with them, so it would be easier to use them than others. Who would have thought that these people would actually turn around and show him the miserable appearance he had made before? I forgot about it.

Obviously before joining the team led by Ye Shaoyang, these people had been starving and freezing with their families.

If Ye Shaoyang hadn't taken them in and given them a place to stay and necessary living supplies, it was unknown whether they would have survived until now.

But what did these people do?

They eat, wear, use, and live in other people's things. It's just that they don't feel grateful to others, and their mouths are also dishonest.

As the financial manager of this team, Wang Xufeng basically stays in the villa area every day to take care of all the trivial matters in the team. Therefore, his ugly appearance of "picking up the bowl to eat, putting down the bowl to scold the mother" towards these people is all The deepest experience in human beings.

It's not like he hasn't tactfully reminded his subordinates. It's a pity that although these people agreed well in person, they would immediately start to go their own way after turning their backs on him.

Some people even complained to him because of his frequent reminders.

When things developed to this point, Wang Xufeng almost regretted that his own internal organs were bruised.

He felt that he should not have introduced these white-eyed wolves to join the team.

"Since you have said so, Brother Xufeng, I won't be polite to them anymore." Ye Shaoyang smiled and nodded slightly to Wang Xufeng, "They have been staying in the villa area for more than ten days peacefully, even if they were not healthy before They are a little weak, and after being raised for so many days, they should be almost recovered."

"I have to say that you shouldn't have been soft-hearted and given them a chance to eat and drink. Look at these white-eyed wolves. We feed them with good food and drink, but they are so kind that they actually arranged our... Not coming!

Qiu Liangyu looked indignant, "I remember when Datong and I dragged our injured bodies around with you. If we can do it, why can't they?"

Ye Shaoyang's handsome face turned slightly red. He really didn't think carefully enough about this matter.

At that time, he saw that all those people were skinny and hungry, looking like they would collapse in the wind, and then he couldn't bear to feel compassion for them.

But now it seems that his kindness was obviously useless.

"Okay, Sister Qiu, Captain Ye is regretting it now, so just stop talking about him, right?" Xiao Liang jumped out to help Ye Shaoyang out of trouble, "I believe that with this experience and lesson, Captain Ye will never do it again in the future. Its a waste of kindness.

Ye Shaoyang nodded twice in succession, "Xiao Liang is right, I will definitely not show random kindness again in the future."

Wang Xufeng touched his green stubble, "Then I will come up with a system now and strive to make everyone in our team have to support themselves in the future."

"It should have been like this a long time ago. From now on, except for those who have completely lost their ability to move, we can no longer let them eat for nothing. Everyone in our team must do their best to shine for the team. Who? If they are not even willing to do what they can, then there is no need for us to keep them in the team."

Xiao Liang's words can be summed up in six words: "Don't raise useless people."

It's just that she is obviously more humane, and she has no intention of abandoning those who really can't contribute anything to the team.

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