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Chapter 55 Recruiting Manpower

Novel: "I am reborn and set up a street stall in the apocalypse" |Shihu | Updated: Collected: 2 years ago

"I, I, I." Chen Hailong was the first to jump to Xiao Liang's side. He reached for the gun with ease, "I want this one. This is the one I have been using before."

Xiao Liang: →_→ They are all the same iron bumps. How did you know that it was for your special air gun?

Chen Hailong understood Xiao Liang's look. He touched the air gun in his hand and smiled sheepishly, "I'm here, Xiaoxiao made a mark."

Looking in the direction of his finger, Xiao Liang saw a tiny... bug on the handle of the gun?

Thinking of Chen Hailong's gold power, Xiao Liang immediately understood where this ugly insect came from.

However, "Why did you put a bug on it? Don't you think it's ugly?"

Chen Hailong: -_-||Suddenly he didnt want to tell his friends that what he was carving was actually a dragon...

A few people practiced marksmanship for about two days, and then the sky in D City became too dark to continue practicing.

Wang Xufeng, Qiu Liangyu and Mo Xiaohan, who were all weak, rubbed their wrists and went to rest. Xiao Liang started to prepare dinner with the help of Chen Hailong and Zhen Zhitong.

Everyone was tired for a day, and their bodies were in urgent need of energy and nutrition. Due to limited time at noon, Xiao Liang just prepared a large pot of noodles with vegetables, fish balls, and meat balls.

In order to ensure that he and his friends have sufficient physical strength and balanced nutrition, Xiao Liang plans to cook several dishes for everyone for tonight's meal.

After the end of the world, conditions were limited, and Xiao Liang didn't want to spend too many virtual gold coins in exchange for food, so the ingredients they could use were actually quite limited.

The pork, beef brisket, eggs, cabbage, radish, and mustard that were already available in his own warehouse, plus a few tomatoes and two kilograms of tofu that Xiao Liang exchanged from the system mall despite the pain, Xiao Liang quickly made use of these. Four home-cooked meals came out.

Stir-fried shredded pork with pickled mustard, stewed beef brisket with radish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and stewed tofu with cabbage, as well as a large bowl of rice as the staple food and a large bowl of rice soup left after the rice was cooked, everyone ate it all without exception. Slip round.

"Get up and walk around when you're full. Don't go to the sofa and put big words on it right away."

Miss Xiao Liang, who was very pleased that everyone had kept the dishes clean, did not forget to give gentle reminders to everyone while clearing the dishes. Her appearance was completely different from her usual vigorous and resolute behavior.

However, no one present made a fuss.

After getting along for a long time, Xiao Liang's two faces, well, to be precise, it should be several faces, and they have become accustomed to them all.

His domineering face when facing the enemy, his proud face when he made a greater contribution to the team, his ruthless face when he was an instructor for them, his gentle and virtuous face when he was washing his hands and making soup for his partners, and his innocent face when he deceived Chen Hailong Silly and cute face, the playful and shameless face when Mo Xiaohan joined the team...

Uh, something seems not quite right.

In short, to sum it up, everyone has long been accustomed to Xiao Liang's extreme changeability.

When facing the enemy, they would feel inexplicably confident just because Xiao Liang was standing beside them.

When looking for supplies, they will benefit from Xiao Liang's "good luck".

When enjoying the food, they will feel happy and satisfied because of Xiao Liang's good craftsmanship.


Of course, when being trained by Xiao Liang's devil or being subjected to various random thoughts by Xiao Liang, they would also feel pain or helplessness depending on the situation.


Over the next five months, heavy snow fell and stopped, and the snow on the ground accumulated deeper and deeper, and soon no one could walk on the streets.

The survivors in D City, without exception, are all trapped in their temporary foothold.

However, not everyone can be as at ease with Maodong as Ye Shaoyang and others, just as not all survivor teams have enough food, clean water, combustibles, and warm clothing.

Many survivor teams are either short of food, water, or combustible items such as firewood and coal.

Hunger, thirst, cold, these problems have plagued the vast majority of survivors in D City almost all the time a month after the heavy snow closed the door.

There is no doubt that they all want to live, even if the price of their survival is that someone else dies in their place.

Human nature is selfish, but selfishness can manifest itself in a dazzling array of ways.

When people discovered that the supplies in their hands were getting less and less day by day, and no matter how frugal they were, they could not survive this ridiculously long winter, and people's moral bottom line suddenly disappeared.

Some people attack their companions and divide people into three, six or nine grades within a small group, giving priority to ensuring the personal interests of themselves and their cronies.

Some people also extended their fangs and claws to other survivor teams that were not too far away from their own team. They went to the door and grabbed the remaining supplies of other survivor teams by relying on the strength of their numbers.

As for Ye Shaoyang and the others.

In addition to fiercely counterattacking the two survivor teams that had their designs on them, Ye Shaoyang and others also purposefully recruited some survivors who had been abandoned or defeated by other teams.

Although these survivors had nothing, and some even brought one or even several old, weak, women and children with them, there was no doubt that they each had their own strengths.

In addition to nearly a hundred good young men who are in good shape and can endure hardships, they have also recruited a dozen truly knowledgeable and skilled people.

Of course, without exception, these people all have to be peripheral personnel first.

After all, it is difficult for Ye Shaoyang and the others to distinguish the good and bad in such a thing as character in a short period of time.

Let these people be peripheral personnel first, and they can decide whether to include them in the team based on their daily performance.

As for the hundreds of old, weak, women and children brought by these people, Xiao Liang and others have decided to hand them over to the hardcore supporters of the team, including the Cheng family, to contact, observe, and secretly rate them.

Although the hardcore supporters of the team, including the Cheng family, were not good at fighting and had no skills to show for themselves, their support for Ye Shaoyang and others was unparalleled.

Such people are best suited to be placed in a safe zone as their secret ears, eyes and mouthpieces.

Of course, Ye Shaoyang and the others would never treat such people badly.

In addition to the basic supplies that everyone has a share of and can only ensure that everyone does not starve to death, Wang Xufeng will take out a portion of the supplies every month and openly subsidize these people in the name of hiring them to do work.

In this way, these people not only have an extra income, but also can interact with Ye Shaoyang and others openly, without having to worry that their frequent contact with Ye Shaoyang and others will arouse suspicion from others in the safe zone.

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