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Chapter 6 How about you stay?

Novel: "I am reborn and set up a street stall in the apocalypse" |Shihu | Updated: Collected: 3 years ago

"Xiuxiu, Wenhui, are you okay?" Xiao Liang's other two friends' dormitory is diagonally opposite the stairs, so when Xiao Liang walked to the stairs, he shouted directly towards their dormitory passed.

"Okay, okay." Qi Xiuxiu and Jiang Wenhui responded loudly.

"Then run out quickly!"

"Oh, we haven't finished packing our things yet!" A feminine voice with a hint of arrogance called out to Xiao Liang from afar.

"You guys go down first." After saying this to his roommate, Xiao Liang immediately rushed to the door of Qi Xiuxiu and Jiang Wenhui's dormitory.

She looked over and saw, sure enough, Qi Xiuxiu was helping her and Jiang Wenhui's weird roommate pack their things with a look of helplessness.

Seeing her coming, Jiang Wenhui, who was already anxious, jumped as if seeing a savior, "Xiao Liang, please help me persuade Xiu Xiu."

Xiao Liang patted her shoulder, and then yelled at Qi Xiuxiu, "Is other people's things more important, or is your own life more important?"

Qi Xiuxiu is usually a good person, otherwise her weird roommate would not dare to drag her to help her pack her things.

Of course, this is also directly related to the fact that Qi Xiuxiu does not believe that this earthquake will cause great harm to D City.

If she knew what a huge change this would be, she would definitely not let her roommate do whatever he wanted.

"Follow me!" After yelling and getting angry, Xiao Liang stretched out his hand to push Xiuxiu.

Qi Xiuxiu actually wanted to leave a long time ago, and she didn't want her friends to worry or be angry about her, so Xiao Liang pushed, and Qi Xiuxiu immediately followed her force to get her travel bag.

"Nana, please stop cleaning up. Xiao Liang is right, life is more important than things." As he said this, Qi Xiuxiu was pushed out of the door by Xiao Liang.

"Hey -" Her weird roommate wanted to stop her, but was so frightened by Xiao Liang's vicious eyes and expression that she didn't dare to reach out.

Seeing this, Jiang Wenhui hurriedly pulled Qi Xiuxiu to her side, "Let's go, let's go."

The three of them filed out. When Qi Xiuxiu's weird roommate saw it, he quickly zipped up his zipper and followed him out with his suitcase.

As she walked, she complained, "Isn't there nothing wrong? It's just a few shakes..."

"Then why don't you stay?" Xiao Liang said one word, and the girl who was angry suddenly became silent.

Xiao Liang snorted coldly, carrying his suitcase and continuing downstairs.

In Xiao Liang's previous life, Qi Xiuxiu was always grabbed by this girl because she was easy to talk to. Finally, the dormitory building shook violently, and the girl gave up and continued to pack her things.

Xiao Liang did not live again at that time. During the first earthquake, Xiao Liang, like everyone else, did not wake up at all.

It wasn't until the ground began to shake for the second time that someone on the floor where Xiao Liang and the others lived was finally shaken awake from their sleep.

These young girls, who have never experienced a devastating natural disaster, are very slow to perceive and respond to crises.

By the time they changed their clothes, picked up their valuables, and began to evacuate downstairs in a swarm, the building they lived in had already started shaking for the fourth time.

The fourth earthquake in the earth was unprecedentedly strong, and the dormitory building where they lived also began to shake violently.

The girls couldn't stand at all, some were shaken around, some fell directly to the ground, and the more unlucky ones even rolled down the stairs.

Everyone was extremely frightened, and for a while, cries, screams, and voices echoed through the entire dormitory building.

At this time, everyone no longer cared about getting things, and everyone ran out desperately, rolling and crawling.

It was at this time that Qixiu Xiucai was finally "mercifully" released by her weird roommate.

Together with Jiang Wenhui and her weird roommate, she held on to the stair railing and rushed all the way from the fifth floor to the first floor with great difficulty.

As for the things they packed, due to the constraints of the real environment, they finally brought out only a small backpack or a small satchel containing their valuables.

But even so, Qi Xiuxiu's weird roommate didn't reflect on himself.

Not only did they not reflect on themselves, they even blamed Qi Xiuxiu for being too slow and Jiang Wenhui for not helping her pack her things.

If Jiang Wenhui hadn't given this guy a hard slap in the end, he wouldn't have known how long it would take him to stop complaining.

Later, Qi Xiuxiu and Jiang Wenhui joined the small group in Xiao Liang's dormitory, and the girl shamelessly joined in too.

But after joining, this girl's unbridled energy didn't curb at all, so within a week, everyone had the intention of kicking her out again.

If Qi Xiuxiu hadn't felt sorry for her and interceded for her once, she wouldn't have had the chance to call Qi Xiuxiu and Jiang Wenhui away before Xiao Liang was killed.


"so cold."

"The phone doesn't work."

"Yes, I can't make calls, and I can't send QQ, WeChat, or text messages."

"I also want to call my mother and ask if there was an earthquake in my house."


The students who stayed at the school spontaneously gathered in the school playground, chatting with each other.

Xiao Liang stood in the middle of the crowd without saying a word, silently waiting for the truly earth-shaking moment to suddenly come.

She didn't wait long. After standing in the playground with her friends for about seven or eight minutes, Xiao Liang heard a heavy muffled sound that she would never forget.

This muffled sound came from the very deep underground or the seabed. It was like the last alarm bell sounded by nature for mankind before disaster strikes. It shocked Xiao Liang and the others' eardrums to hurt and their hearts to panic.

Along with this distant dull sound, the earth seemed to be deformed by someone's punch. Earth-shaking changes were taking place everywhere on the entire surface.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sudden climate changes, water and air pollution, changes in the structure of sea and land... Various natural disasters that ordinary people may not be able to experience once in their lifetime, Xiao Liang and the others experienced in just a few hours , I have witnessed them all one by one.

They saw with their own eyes that most of the school buildings continued to collapse under the violent shaking of the earth, and the school playground where they took refuge slowly but surely continued to float upward amidst the exclamations, screams, and shouts of the people.

In the end, the flat ground they originally relied on gradually evolved from a flat plain into a patch of dirt of varying heights.

In the distance, they also saw and heard in more than one place a loud sound that seemed to be an explosion, and a blazing fire that reflected the red and dark night sky.

What frightened them the most, apart from earthquakes and ground cracks, was the volcano that suddenly erupted on the sea level in the distance.

The scorching air waves, carrying a large amount of smoke and a pungent smell, swept toward the survivors in D City with great force. While bringing them a little warmth, it also brought them greater danger. And more fear.

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