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Chapter 78 Transaction

Novel: "I am reborn and set up a street stall in the apocalypse" |Shihu | Updated: Collected: 2 years ago

At that time, Xiao Liang was mentally prepared to give up most of his subordinates. Fortunately, Qi Dafei extended a helping hand to them in time.

Of course, lending a helping hand is a helping hand, and Qi Dafei was also quite vigilant when it was time to be vigilant.

Otherwise, Qi Dafei would not have driven them to live in this small mountain col instead of directly welcoming them into the village.

After all, Xiao Liang and the others were not large in number at that time, and the village could fully accommodate them.

With a little expectation and excitement that he would see his old friend soon, Xiao Liang waited at the entrance of the village for about two quarters of an hour.

"Where are you from? What are you doing here?"

Xiao Liang had an acquaintance with a tall, mature man, wearing dirty, dusty clothes, looking at Xiao Liang and Chen Hailong with raised eyebrows.

"We are from D City, and we are here to do some business with you." Xiao Liang smiled and had a great attitude. She reached out and opened the suitcases and backpacks that she and Chen Hailong had brought, "Here, These are what we want to sell. In addition to these, I also have a lot of large-ticket items on the mountain col. If you want them, we can deliver them to your door."

Qi Dafei's big eyes as big as copper bells looked back and forth, and then he pointed at the edible salt in one of his backpacks and said to Xiao Liang: "I want all your salt, tell me, what do you want to exchange for? But Ill start with my ugly words. For a small village like ours that is isolated from the world, the only thing we can give you in exchange is water, grain, vegetables, fruits and the like.

"Then I will exchange food, vegetables and fruits with you." Xiao Liang is a super water tower herself. Of course she will not exchange water with others. Although she can also exchange food, vegetables and fruits from the system mall, but the system mall Of course it would be best if she didn't spend those gold coins.

After all, her weird system also has a space exchange function that allows thieves to steal gold coins. Xiao Liang estimates that if she still has the lifespan of a normal person before the end of the world, then she may only be able to exchange it for two in her entire life. A small space of ten cubic meters.

With such a big gold coin collector watching him eagerly, Xiao Liang was actually quite restrained when it came to using gold coins (which is strange).

In addition to exchanging some fruits and vegetables, tofu and eggs, dairy products, firearms and knives, medicines and medical equipment...well, okay, she actually exchanged quite a lot of things.

While thinking wildly, Xiao Liang quoted a very favorable price to Qi Dafei.

Qi Dafei is obviously a knowledgeable person. He agreed to Xiao Liang's quotation without saying a word.

And because the price given by Xiao Liang was very favorable, Qi Dafei bought a lot more things from Xiao Liang in one go.

In addition to salt, soy sauce and other condiments that the villagers cannot produce themselves but are necessities for everyone, daily necessities such as paper towels, soap, toothpaste, commonly used medicines such as anti-inflammatory drugs, cold medicines, gastrointestinal medicines, and various small medical devices... ..Qi Dafei also bought a batch of firearms, knives and other hot and cold weapons from Xiao Liang.

All of these things were temporarily exchanged by Xiao Liang from the system mall. The gold coins she spent were so painful that she almost emptied her blood tank at once.

Fortunately, Qi Dafei, who was very upright and very upright, paid her the grain, vegetables and fruits according to the market price.

With these things, Xiao Liang no longer has to exchange food from the system mall to supply his team for at least half a year.

She asked Wang Xufeng to take their official team members to move all the food that Qi Dafei gave her back to Xiaoshan Col. Then Wang Xufeng changed hands and exchanged most of the fruits and vegetables that were not easy to preserve.

Among the teams that left D City with them this time, only two of them were lucky enough to win over wood-type superpowers. Therefore, except for these two teams, the other teams are usually more powerful than Xiao Liang and the others. Hard to eat fruits and vegetables.

After all, in addition to suggesting that his team develop agriculture on a small scale, Xiao Liang usually has a system mall where he can secretly redeem some, but others only have the option of growing their own crops.

After finally catching a village with many greenhouses, Xiao Liang and the others finally exchanged so many fresh vegetables and fruits. Not all of the survivors who had not eaten freely for a long time came over.

"By the way, Brother Qi, there's something I don't know if Uncle Hai and the others have told you." After the transaction between the two parties was over and Qi Dafei was about to take the villagers back to his village, Xiao Liang suddenly said this.

Qi Dafei was confused, "What's going on?"

Xiao Liang raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the hill behind him, "We people moved out of D city with the old, weak, women and children in the team because the sea water rose and the coastline was rapidly eroded."

Qi Dafei frowned, "You mean, the sea water is likely to spread to our side?"

Xiao Liang nodded.

What she didn't say was that three years after the end of the world, half of even the provincial capital S City had been eroded by sea water, let alone Qi Dafei's small village.

At that time, people were already accustomed to fighting giant sea beasts from the ocean that had evolved amphibious attributes at some point. But before that, those survivors who had poor skills or no skills at all died countless times. .

Xiao Liang was no longer in S City, the provincial capital at that time, so she still listened to what her acquaintances said about S City.

She remembered that she had asked people about Qi Dafei at the beginning, but it was a pity that none of her acquaintances had met Qi Dafei. Naturally, these people were even less likely to provide her with any information about Qi Dafei's current situation.

Although he didn't want to believe it from the bottom of his heart, Xiao Liang still vaguely noticed that Qi Dafei was probably in serious danger.

"I know that in such troubled times, a small village like yours is actually a paradise. But no matter how good a paradise is, if you are isolated from the world for a long time, your situation will definitely become more and more difficult in the future."

"Especially when the survivors living in nearby cities all gradually evacuate to safer places like us, then it may be extremely difficult for you to replenish supplies in the future."

Qi Dafei listened to Xiao Liang's words.

Their village has good mountains, water, and fertile land. Although some young and middle-aged people in the village go out to work, those who stay in the village are not completely without income.

They followed the example of villagers in other places to build vegetable greenhouses and grow out-of-season fruits, but at the same time they did not delay growing crops.

As a result, the villagers are almost self-sufficient in terms of food rations, and they are never short of money.

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