26. We're running away!

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Several minutes have passed and now Zahra was calmed. She felt safer in his presence. She knew he won't let anyone hurt her. He will protect her as he promised.


But she was forgetting that she now only needs to protect herself from him because if he came to know about the games which she is playing with her, hell will break on her.


Zahra noticed her whereabouts, he wasn't going towards the haveli and she panicked as that thought once again consumed her mind that he got to know about Daniyal.


It was on her mind all the time like a looming threat.


"Where are we going?" she asked.


"Somewhere" was his short reply.


Internally, she was panicking, again as many negative thoughts surrounded her mind.


'There is nothing like that Zahra. He doesn't know about anything. If he did he wouldn't have acted so sweet then.' Her subconscious chided in making her relax.


'It was all because those boys were following you. Why did he come to take you from university when it was Haseeb's duty. He might have got a clue about something.' She retorted and with that the panic returned.


'No. if there was something like that he would've landed a straight slap on your face when you entered into the car.' her subconscious again told and she relaxed a bit thinking that he doesn't know anything.


'But you need to think about every possibility. Where he is taking you to then?' she asked again.


'Might be on a dinner'


'Then he would've answered'


'Look at his face. Does he look angry?'


She turned her head towards his face and not a hint of anger was on his face.


'No he doesn't. Right? You're worrying yourself without any reason.'


'But he's so good at maintaining a calm composure. No one can guess what's going on in his mind.'


'Take a deep breath Zahra. There is nothing to worry about.'


And she did just that. She took deep breaths as her mind told her but still she was bothered that where he is taking her to.


On the other hand Irtaza was observing her every action. The change of expressions on her face, the panic in her eyes when he looked at him, her deep breaths as if she's worried about something.


He got it.


She was nervous!


But why?


This question bothered him alot, she acted as she was trying to hide something from him. But if there's any thing she's trying to hide from him, sooner or later he will get to know. He was sure about it.

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