18. The call

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She pulled off of his shoulder when her sobs died and her mind cleared. Her eyes trailed towards the wet spot of her tears on his shirt

"I am sorry," she said looking down. She didn't know what hit her that she began to cry on his shoulder.

He stared at her small form. Her eyes were swollen due to the immense crying. Her big eyelashes were drenched in her wet tears. The tip of her nose was bright red. Her cheeks tinted pink and her lips slightly quivering with fear as she took them between her teeth to stop their tremble.

His eyes stopped at her red, luscious lips and he moved his thumb towards her chin to free her lips from her white, shiny teeth, which she hesitantly did. The pad of his thumb slowly began to graze the flesh of her pink lips, feeling the softness underneath his thumb. His eyes intensely staring her.

Her body was now a bundle of nerves. His intense stare was making her hot all over and without any doubt, she knew her cheeks would have been turned red. His pupils dilated with need.

Need of her.

Before the things could escalate, Zahra cleared her throat bringing him back from oblivion.

"I..I." She said desperately trying to come up with a topic so she could divert his attention.

"Let's go for a walk," He said and held her small, cold, shivering hands in his warm ones, leading them both out of the haveli.

The sky was dark and foggy. The bright stars adorned the sky. Irtaza was still holding the hand of his wife as they both continued to walk in a desolated park. Just two of them and no one else. No dialogues were exchanged as they were looking around here and there as if lost in their own thoughts.

Zahra noticed every single detail around her. The small chirping of night bugs hit her ears making all scenario more fearful for her. She couldn't understand why he brought her here at this point of the night when there was not a single soul in the park other than just two of them. She was already afraid of him and now the darkness spread all around her was making her more fearful. Only the bright star and some street lights were illuminating the park.

The weather was cold and foggy. A blow of cold air rushed against her body making her sneeze heavily as she rubbed her arms against her shoulders to provide some warmth to her.

"Thand lag rahi hai?" He asked, his voice soft unlike his usual dark and dominant one.

(Feeling cold?)

She meekly nodded and he instantly took off his big leather jacket wrapping it around her shoulders. The jacket reached her mid-thighs and she was half-hidden in it which made him laugh.

His laugh was beautiful as him which reached his eyes as the two dimples suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked confusedly.

"You are so small." He muttered.

"No, I am not small. You are too big." She countered back in her small voice. Her eyes glared at him. Well, she didn't like to be called a shorty.

He chuckled and held her chin gently.

"You are beautiful, shorty." He whispered and wrapped his arms around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him as they continued to walk.

After minutes of walking, they reached a bench and sat there, observing the silence and peace around them.

"Uhh.... thankyou" she whispered as a thought hit her.

"For what?" He asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"For not.... not punishing me." She replied in her meek voice.

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