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"Good morning Mr Lee," the doorman said, bowing. Minho adjusted his tie and sighed, "Hyunseok, I wish it was." Minho stepped inside as he finished putting his outfit together. He tightened the cuff links and adjusted his coat, making his way through his building. Minho pressed the silver band farther onto his finger, something to ease his anger.

The sound of Minho's leather shoes clicked against the tiling as he made his way to the conference room. All the employees he passed bowed in respect as he opened the doors. "Gentlemen," Minho stepped into the room, walking to the head of the table.

He slammed a file down, proceeding to look each of them in the eyes as he sat in the large leather chair. Minho leaned back, crossing his legs, and his face daring anyone to speak up. "Well, does anyone have anything they would like to say before I say something?" Minho looked around, using that innocent little smile that everyone in the room knew was hiding a vicious outcome.

One of the men stood up, "S-sir, I'm sure we can fix the problem. All we need is-" Minho put his hand up, cutting him off, "Sit back down. You're the main reason this whole thing has blown up over the news. Anyone else, because time, is not on our side, is it?" The man sat back down, sealing his lips and became very interested in the pages of his notepad.

No one else stood up, scared of the reprimand from the CEO of their company. Minho smirked, "Mr Jang? Anything to add, I seem to remember that you were also on the front of the paper this morning. Am I correct?"

Mr Jang lowered his head, "You are correct, sir. I humbly apologize and will do whatever I can to make it right." Minho nodded, "very well. I'm sure we can find something for you to do." Minho spun his seat, facing the industrial sized windows rather than the people who worked for him.

"Mr Lee, if I may-"

"NO. You may not. Do you not realize how big of a situation you have caused? All the damage control I've had to do on my day off?" Minho slammed his hand on the table, causing everyone to jump. Minho took a deep breath, "I try to be a good boss. Most of you know that I am a fairly laxed person. But this," Minho opened the file and slammed the paper on the table, "This is ridiculous!" 

"Each one of you, take a good look at this. Do you really think this is what I expected to see from my board?" On the paper was a picture of a few of the men in the room, surrounded by women at a bar. Some were drinking with the women in their laps. "Sir, I really don't understand why you are so mad?"

Minho's eyes cut to the people, "Who said that?" One of the men raised his hand, "I did sir. I just don't understand why you are so angry? We were just having a night out, like everyone else does." Minho stared at him like he was stupid. He sucked teeth and smiled, "Mr Oh. You're fired."

Mr Oh gasped, clearly taken aback at his boss's order, "Why?" Everyone looked at Mr Oh with shock that he would actually talk back to Mr Lee. "Why? Because Man-shik Oh. Those women were the daughters from our rival company, also half your age. And half of you in the picture have spouses. Do you still think you're so innocent? That it was just a night out ?"

Man-shik stood like a statue, no words or movement came from him. Minho raised his brows, waiting for an answer. "Do you?! Does anyone have anything to say? Any reason why I shouldn't fire all of you right now?"

Silence. Suffice to say, Minho was furious. Here he was in a full suit on one of his only days off. " I pay all of you to do your job, to fix your messes when things go wrong. And all of you are sitting here doing nothing and I have to hear about this from my brother-in-law," Minho paused, "Mr Oh, please leave. Nothing else I have to say pertains to you." They all watched Mr Oh packed up his notes and left the room. "Listen to me right now. I'm not going to fire anyone else, but if this ever happens again, I swear I'll-"

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