reminisce 💕

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some one asked for minsung as children, I delivered best I could. enjoy. it's pretty cute in my opinion. (does anyone else find opinion hard to spell?)


Jisung laughed, leaning back in his chair. It was early in the morning, he hadn't slept since the night before, but it was all good. He had his minho right next to him, laughing just as hard.

"No you liar," Minho accused him, "You definitely cried when that kid took your crayons!". Jisung laughed, remembering all the way back in preschool.


It was his mom's birthday, so he wanted to make her something special. Jisung had gotten the colorful paper and secured the famed glitter crayons.

He just started on his drawing, a picture of him and his mom in a garden. Since it was special, the flowers were as big as them, the infamous corner sun, all done in the glittery crayons. He looked at Minho who was sitting next to him.

"Hey! Minnie! Look at my art!!" Minho looked at it and smiled, "It's pretty sungie. I like it a lot." Jisung smiled at the paper, "I hope mommy likes it." Minho patted jisung's head, "she has too! It's widderwee perfect!"

Jisung smiled and reached for the sparkly yellow to finish his sun, but the box was gone. "HEY! WHO TOOK MY CRAYONS!!!" Jisung stood up, pushing his plastic seat back. The teacher rushed over to him, "Jisung, what's wrong?" Jisung's bottom lip quivered, "someone took my crayons! I- I was making a picture- for-for my mom!!"

Jisung burst into tears at the thought of an unfinished picture for his mom, and anger for the bastard who stole his glitter crayons. Luckily, Minho knew how to calm his best friend down when no one else could.

"Hey sungie! You can help me with mine until you get your crayons back! I want mine to look as good as yours!" Jisung smiled and sat back down, "Really?" Minho nodded and poked at jisung's forehead, "Yep. You want to?"

"Yeah!" Jisung giggled and picked up a crayon. He scooted his seat closer to Minho's and got to work creating one big picture. The teacher smiled and left jisung with minho to check on her other students and to see who had the glitter crayons.

A few minutes later, she came back over to the two boys. "Hey jisung? Look what I found!" She held out a new box of glitter crayons to him. Jisung's eyes widened as he took the box in his little toddler hands. He laughed and turned to show minho, "Now I can finish my picture!", he turned back to his teacher, "Thanks teacher!" She smiled and turned to help another kid.

Jisung quickly got back to work, adding the final details to his picture until it was perfect. He looked over to see if minho was still working on the paper that had both been coloring. "are you done?"

"Not yet. i think it needs somefing else." Both minho and Jisung stared at the paper for a minute. "I know!" Jisung held up the box of glitter crayons. Minho nodded vigorously and jisung handed a color. After a few more minutes, they leaned back to look over the finished product.

Minho smiled, "Hey teacher! Look at our picture!" Minho and jisung watched as their teacher made her way to their table. The teacher kneeled down to look at jisung and minho's finished drawing. They boys watched her anxiously as she surveyed their work. "I think... it's perfect! Great job you guys."

Minho and jisugn hugged each other. "You should give that to your mom!" "We can give them to our moms togever!"


Jisung laughed, "Ok, how bout the time your mom found you -"

"OK, we don't need to talk about that. Anything else baby, talk about anything else." Jisung thought for a minute, "When our parents told us we weren't allowed to have sleepovers anymore. Do you remember that?"

minsung oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora