oops 💘

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This is a bit different from my normal writing style. I don't know if i like it or not, but i think i'll end up liking it once it's out.

based off of blu cantrell's 'Hit 'Em up Style (Oops!)'

- Jisung's POV -

I had decided to go downtown that day. My boyfriend had work and I was bored, so what better thing to do than waste my day in the city. So I took the car because there was no way in hell that I was walking from our place to the mall.

I was in the car, smiling at every word that my best friends were saying over the phone. Felix was at practice with Minho and Hyunjin, so for the past half hour I had been talking with Felix, who was practically squealing about their dance practice ending early. They were now headed my way for all of us to hang out.

I looked up from my phone, taking a once-over at all the people, with a background noise of Felix and Minho arguing over the phone. I chuckled at their cat fight as I looked around. I enjoy people watching, seeing everyone just being themselves, it made me happy. But my happiness was stopped abruptly, my enjoyment stolen within seconds. "What. the. fuck?"

"What happened?" Felix questioned, I heard Minho say something inaudible in the background before Felix asked me again what happened. "How long until you guys are here?" I asked. "Like less than 3 minutes."

I stared through my car window, making sure that it was indeed the person I thought it was. And I wasn't mistaken. I opened my car door, slamming it after I got out. I saw Felix and Hyunjin speed walking towards me. I motioned for them to come to my car.

"Where's minho?" I asked, when both him and Felix stood in front of me. "Minho couldn't make it because of work." I nodded, slightly disappointed, "How do you guys feel like blowing some money?"

"What? Jisung, I love spending money as much as the next person, but what is going on?" Hyunjin questioned, looking at me like I had a fever. "No no, my dear Jinnie. We will not be spending my money, but we will be spending his money." I pointed to the café that had two large windows, showing the inside of the sit down area.

"I don't underst- oh my god!" Felix blurted, "Is that Dohwan?" I nodded, not believing that I caught Dohwan cheating on me. And with a girl no less? So I had to find another way to make him pay for it all. I didn't feel like going in there and acting like a rabid squirrel and make a fool of myself. I still had class even if he didn't. "Jisung, are you ok?"

I laughed, "I have no clue honestly, but I feel like being a bitch, so let's go." I quickly took a picture of Dohwan as he leaned over the table to kiss the girl, for receipts so he couldn't gaslight me later, like he had done before. I hated to admit that she was gorgeous, and I hated the fact that I couldn't even hate her.

So as the three of us went into the mall, I tried to sort out my emotions, like why I felt so betrayed, but not hurt. I felt that I should be more heartbroken about it all, but I wasn't. I mostly felt like an idiot for getting played. It didn't matter at the moment though.

I used Dohwan and I's shared account to treat my friends. Hyunjin questioned me on this, but I explained that I had my own account and shared account. Dohwan had his personal one too, but he was lazy and forgetful when it came to money management. And since it was illegal to break into his bank account, I drained all that I could without the possibility of jail.

"So why are we doing this again?" Hyunjin asked, as I shifted through the clothes on the rack, "Like I understand, but this isn't really you." Felix came up behind Hyunjin "I agree. You're more of a 'cry and eat cake' kind of guy." I shrugged, "I don't know. But it's not just about him cheating. Dowhan did so many other things that I ignored because I thought we loved each other. So now that it's really the last straw, it just feels like the right thing to do."

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