roommates pt 2 💘

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Yeah, this is a little overdue, but i went on a family trip. Life has just been so busy and hectic lately. But that's not the point. This was only supposed to be two parts, bit there's gonna be a third one. But please enjoy this garbage that I serve to you.


He had a fat crush on his roommate. Jisung didn't tell minho. And he sure as hell didn't let any of his friends know either. Well, he tried anywhere, but apparently he was , "way to obvious with his feelings and a terrible liar." Jisung blamed that observation on chan's dad side.

He tried to go on with life as normal, but every day, Minho just became more and more attractive. Which was not fair, how was jisung supposed to be neutral with someone so fine?

Jisung wanted to not think about it, but that just made him think about it even more. He hoped minho didn't notice it.


"Jisung has been acting weird lately." Minho looked at his friends.

"Like how?" felix asked, stopping what he was doing to hear whatever minho was going to say. "He's just been weird. Like he avoids me, he jumbles his words a lot, and he won't even look at my face anymore. What did I do?" minho's sentence turned to a whine.

"I KNEW IT. I FUCKING KNEW IT!!" Hyunjin shouted, rising from his seat and earning looks from others in the room. "Hyunjin. Please sit down." felix tugged at his arm, seeing the looks while hyunjin declared everything he knew about minho's love life.

"It's jisung right? Of course i'm right. You, mr lee minho, have a crush on a little someone named HAN JISUNG!" Minho shot hyunjin a glare, "shut. the fuck. Up." Hyunjin sat back down, quickly.

Minho groaned and laid his head on the table, hoping that not everyone heard his big-mouthed friend. "He's my roommate, and one of my best friends. I can't like him like that."


Life became extremely awkward for the both of them. Having to maneuver around denial and newfound feelings. Then it became awkward for the people around them. Tension was thick in the air.

But the year was half over, and a guy in their class was having a major party to celebrate. All 8 of them were going, and hopefully something good would come out of it. Minho drove to Jackson's house with hyunjin and felix after practice.

Before they even pulled in, he could hear the music. The house looked like it had a pulse with all the lights and the people. He got out and walked up to the door. And by the smell of it, lots of alcohol. Minho prepared himself for a long night.

(time skip to a bit later bc i never leave my house and don't know how parties work. Also, side note, the smell of alcohol makes me nauseous so i've never had any. If anything is wrong you know why. 👍)

Minho had been there for an hour, doing nothing. He found some of the guys from his dance class so he talked to them. After a while he left for the kitchen for a drink.

"minho-hyung!!!!!!"Jeongin draped his arm lazily around Minho's shoulders, "party's great right?! Is everything spinning?" Minho sighed and sat jeongin down before he collapsed to the floor. "Bang Chan! Get your boyfriend before he falls asleep on the countertop."

Chan sighed, but smiled, "Of course he is," he gently patted the youngest awake, "Hey baby, wake up." Jeongin didn't open his eyes but groggily whispered, "I want you to hold me." Chan smiled, "of course baby, let's go home ok?"

Jeongin nodded sleepily, chan turned around and knelt for jeongin to get on his back. Once he was secure, chan looked at minho. "Bye man, and hey, good luck." Minho side-eyed the older, as he left with jeongin on his back. "Go home chan. Stay safe."

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