through it all 💔2

478 11 1
                            's kind of intense. There's blood, violence, and strong language so if you see it,  just skip it.



In the morning when Minho opened his eyes, he was confused, but then he remembered all that had happened the night before, and a slight blush spread on his cheeks. He looked down at his boyfriend sleeping on his chest, his mouth slightly open and his fist resting right next to his face. Minho smiled and kissed Jisung's hair, "baby, you have to wake up."

Slowly, Jisung opened his eyes, carefully taking in everything around him. He looked up at Minho and smiled. Waking up and seeing Minho was like a glimpse into paradise. Minho ran his fingers through Jisung's hair. "We should get dressed. And then make a plan."

"Fine, just let me have five more minutes like this. Please?" Minho laughed and tightened his grip around the younger, "Just five." And then thirty minutes later, the two managed to get dressed, only to instantly be in each other's arms again.

Jisung ran his fingers through Minho's hair as Minho thought out loud, thinking up ideas for them and his sister to get out of this situation. "Do you hear that?" Minho sat up from Jisung's lap and looked around the room. "Hear what?" Minho's eyes darted around the space, widening as he realized what was happening.

"Jisung. Hide." But it was too late, the door burst open and a large man in black entered the room. Minho attempted to appear strong, but this man was huge, and obviously trained to kill, or capture. "Please don't do this."

The man didn't listen, but instead focused his attention on the younger boy, eyes wide but fists clenched. While he wasn't looking, Minho punched the man in the face, stunning him for a minute. The man, once over his shock, came back at Minho tenfold.

Somehow, Minho managed to endure the first few blows, even striking back when he got the opportunity. But sadly, it didn't last long, Jisung ran toward his boyfriend, almost unrecognizable, covered in blood and forming bruises. "Minho." Before he could reach him, Jisung was detained in the man's arms, who started to pull him out of the building.

"NO! Please don't take him away from me! Please!" Jisung cried out as he attempted to claw himself out of the bodyguard grip around his waist. He felt like a chained animal as he reached for his unconscious boyfriend. "Please let me go."

He heard the clicking of shoes coming from behind, they were slow and confident. "You.'' Jisung sneered, lashing out at the man that had sauntered into the room like he owned it. "Hello son."

Jisung began kicking again, looking like a chained animal rather than just feeling like one. Enraged felt like too small a word to describe how he felt looking at the man he called father. "I HATE YOU! YOU FUCKI-"

"Shut him up. And get the other one," jisung's father interrupted, turning on his heels to walk out, not caring about what he was leaving behind. "NO! Don't touch him! Leave him-" Jisung felt his head spin as something slammed into the back of it. "Minho."


When Jisung came back into consciousness, he was chained to the wall of his bedroom by his wrists. He pulled against them, but it was no use. He heard the lock click and the door swing open. His father walked in, dressed like he just came from work; an expensive black suit and leather shoes.

He strode over to Jisung, pulling him off the floor by his collar, "You disobeyed me." Mr. Han raised his fist back and delivered a sharp blow to the young boy's face, "You tried to go against me after I said no." Another blow. Jisung looked at his father with angry eyes. He spit the blood that was in his mouth at his fathers face, the red droplets staining the crisp whiteness shirt, "And I would do it again."

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