through it all 💔 1

699 13 6

So this was a fun project. there is some spice in the middle, so skip that or read it if you want :)

enjoy. :)


-minho's pov-

Han Jisung. The definition of perfect. I loved him, more than anything in the world. He was mine, and I was his. And that was all I needed, I didn't need my parents approval nor their permission. Besides, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

I didn't want anyone in my family to know about jisung. They always took every spec of joy I had and crushed it, made it disappear. But I would commit violent acts of crime if anyone got near him. He was mine. I was his.

I saw him walking into the theater, going to sit near the back. After he was settled I followed suit, sitting right next to him. "Hey, baby." I whispered, taking his hand in mine. "Shh, the movie started." he scolded, but leaned over to kiss my cheek.

I smiled and held his hand tighter, because the second we stepped out of this theater, I wouldn't be able to hold him anymore. Every second that we were alone together made me nervous, that something bad would happen. So far nothing has happened, but nothing good lasts forever. We were far overdue for our share of turmoil.

But that could wait, for this moment, it was us and no one was around to stop that.


I pulled my baseball cap down over my eyes, trying to keep my face as hidden as possible. "When will I see you again?" Jisung shrugged, "Not until my parents leave again, it's too risky."

I nodded and started walking away, I pulled out my phone and called him as he walked a few paces behind me. I couldn't help but to chuckle, "Do you ever think of how stupid this whole situation is? The fact that we're doing this to the extreme."

I heard jisung's soft laugh over the phone, "Nothing is normal with us is it?" I heard the tint of aggravation in his voice, on the edge of malice. "I just want to be with you min. Why is that so hard?"

"I don't know, baby. But one day we will." Jisung scoffed, "Yeah, when our parents kick the fucking bucket." I laughed, earning a few looks from strangers. "Can I still text you?" My parents were strict, but jisung's parents were a whole nother level, bordering insanity. "I don't know, but I'll be with you at school, ok?" I was silent on the line, unsure of how to respond.

"Ok, hey, I'll call you later, my mom is calling me. Bye baby." I rolled my eyes as I saw my mother's contact show up on my phone. "Bye min... I'm sorry."

-3rd person pov-

Jisung hung up the phone, not giving his boyfriend a chance to say anything in response. He hung his head, wiped his tears and continued that walk back to his parents house.

It wasn't his home, Jisung's home was wherever Minho was. He slammed the door and stomped up every individual step, just because he knew his parents hated it. "HAN JISUNG! STOMP ON ONE MORE OF THOSE FUCKING STAIRS AND I'LL-"

"FINE." Jisung reached the top, and marched down the excessive hallway to reach his bedroom. He stared at the blank walls. He had never put up anything personal, except for the picture of his family that had been taken when he was 6 years old. He only had a poster that he had custom made. A navy blue background with a cartoon tree, a little squirrel and a bunny occupying the ground space. He wanted a reminder of his minho without his parents knowing.

But right then, the picture just made him feel hopeless, "I just want to be with you."


Minho sat in his room doing his work when the door swung open and his sister walked in. "Dad says he has something to tell us." Minho sighed and set down his pencil, "Fun," he said, his tone completely devoid of enthusiasm. His sister let off an unamused chuckle, "Always."

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