find me with you

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sadly, this is NOT minsung. it was an assignment, the theme was 'after the end of the world', nuclear bombs and natural disaster 👍. but i really enjoyed writing it and the whole thing in general. 

sorry it's not minsung, but i hope you guys enjoy it anyways 😁





But most of all, pain.

My whole body hurt, inside and out. It was crushing; my head spun as I tried to lift myself off the ground. I wish I hadn't, though. I should have just stayed unconscious; then, I would have never had to see that.

My town, my home, my memories, it was all destroyed. The tallest buildings were reduced to rubble, and smoke billowed out of every window. Layers of ash and dirt covered everything, all the way to the seemingly untouched forest.

"Alex, I can't-"

I sat up quickly, looking around for Alex, but I was alone. Alex was nowhere to be seen. I looked towards the town; Alex had to be in there.

I remembered the blast; I had been holding Alex's hand as blasts erupted all around us, whipping our hair and clothes. Then nothing but blackness.

"Dawson, don't let go!"

"I'll find you! I promise!"

Our hands disconnected, and I lost sight of Alex as I felt the blast fling me backward, breaking through walls. Fire bit at my skin, glass sliced my face. I couldn't feel it.


My head rang, and all I could think of was Alex. I blinked tears from my eyes and struggled to my feet. I had to find Alex; I had to.

Pain surged through my shoulder; I looked at it. My t-shirt was shredded, and dirt and blood covered my whole body. It didn't matter; I could push through the pain; for Alex, I would do anything. Everything.

And, come on, how hard could it be to find a singular person in a city of rubble?

So on I went, burning in my body, but I was going to find Alex. All of the smoke and dust made it hard to navigate the once-familiar streets. The same paths that we had walked on hours before were now unrecognizable. The fact that my childhood home felt like an alien place made me want to give up. I was all alone. Who was going to stop me from giving up?

I passed by my high school. I was supposed to graduate this year, and Alex would have to. The school was in ruins, no surprise. Bombs with shrapnel mixed with gas tended to have that effect.

As I ran through my town, flashbacks of the bombing raced through my mind. The screams of adults, cries of children, the one man who stood in the square and smiled, happily accepting that this was his end.

I wasn't going to accept that; this wasn't gonna be my end. I was only 17. My birthday was next week, it can't all be over.

I felt so tired, so weighed down by it all. My lungs felt heavy in my chest, my heart felt like steel. I needed someone. I wanted Alex and my dad. I needed to tell the truth to them, but mostly Alex.

"Alex," I sighed, sitting on the ground, "Alex doesn't even know how I feel yet."

"How do you feel?"

I whipped my head around, pushing myself away from the direction where the voice came from. "Who-"

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