open up 💘pt2

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Minho banged on his old apartment door. "JISUNG!" No one answered, but Minho wasn't going to easily give up on him. He hit the door with his fist, most likely angering the people around. "JISUNG!"

Minho kicked the door open and ran into the apartment. He looked around and didn't see jisung, but he heard the faint sound of his voice. So he followed it, and it led him to the kitchen.

Jisung was lying on the kitchen floor, covered in-. Minho bit his lip. Jisung was surrounded in his hoodies, his old clothes. The sight brought him to tears. He bent down and pulled his ex-boyfriend's body into his lap.

Jisung's eyes were glazed over, he kept muttering something he could understand. Minho shook jisung's shoulder. "Jisung! Snap out of it." Silent tears dripped from his flooded eyes.

Jisung opened his eyes, vision blurred by tears. "Minho? What are you doing here?" Minho gave him a soft smile, he felt a trail of water leak down his face. " I was worried about you." he admitted, feeling a light blush on his cheeks.

Jisung sighed and curled himself into a ball, still pressed against Minho's chest. "Why do you care? We're not together anymore."

The words cut Minho's heart. They weren't together anymore. That was the reality of it.

"Just because we aren't dating anymore, doesn't mean that I ever stopped caring about you. That I ever stopped loving you."

Jisung felt his heart skip a few beats, suddenly, everything hit him like a brick to the face. He burst into tears again, clutching the fabric of Minho's shirt. All the loneliness he had felt spilled out.

Minho hugged the younger boy close to him, pushing off the tangled mess of clothes he was in. He wouldn't let him go again, not over anything. Jisung's tears soaked a puddle on Minho's shirt, and Minho's tears just slid down his face. "I'm sorry. I never should have left you alone. Could- could you please give me another chance?"

Jisung looked up at Minho, "I'll always give you another Chance, minnie, I'll never run out as long as you do the same for me." 

"I promise. We can talk it out, if we fight. I don't want to get back in a relationship again and we fuck it up again. I want it to work. Do you think we can do it?"

Jisung bit his bottom lip, but let his fingers curl tighter around the fabric of the older's shirt. "I think we can. i know we can. but we both have to try, and be honest with each other."

Minho smiled, "Han Jisung. I will tell you everything you want to know about me if you stay by my side, and you let me stay by yours." jisung nodded, "Me too. Ask, and I'll tell you."

Minho smiled, "Thank you sungie " the two stared into each other's eyes before minho spoke softly, "Actually, I have one question right now."

Jisung quirked an eyebrow "And that is?" 

"Can I kiss you? "

"Not on the kitchen floor." Minho laughed, and wiped the tears off both of their faces. He picked up jisung bridal style and carried him into the living room. "Can I kiss you here?" Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and pulled his face to his, connecting their lips.

"Yeah, I'll allow it. "jisung stated, pulling out of the kiss. Minho pouted,  jisung let out a small laugh, "You can kiss me anywhere minnie. "

Minho kissed jisung again, then peppered kisses all over his face. "I love you Han Jisung. I'm gonna make sure you never doubt it." Minho kissed him again, wiping away the memories of their fight. They were starting over, and neither of them was going to let the other go.

Jisung laid his head on minho's shoulder, then pulled back. "Did you break my door?" 

yeah, she's a bit short, but CUTEEEEE. my next one will be longer. it will be very fun. have a good day/night!!💛💛💛

off topic, but my friend sent this to me earlier. i thought it was hilarious, so i thought i'd show you guys.

 i thought it was hilarious, so i thought i'd show you guys

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