his friend's roommate💕

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- this is the rewritten version of the story i accidentally deleted. :) and since i don't remember, it's gonna be a little different. sorry

- and the italicized words are thoughts. 

-----jisung's pov



I sighed and rolled over in my bed, huffing because I was finally comfortable. My phone was propped up on a mound of stuffed animals and my blanket cradled me in a way that made everything better. 

Now I had to get up, and i knew that I would never get this level of comfort once I got up. But chan already told me that one of his friends would be coming over today. Chan had a lot of friends, me on the other hand, well, I had enough. I didn't need anymore. 


I sat up, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness after staring at my screen for so long. I threw the covers off of my legs so I could go respond to chan's beckonings. I loved chan, he was a great friend, great roommate, but he acted like a dad. Most of the time it was sweet, but not when he forced me to interact with other people. 

 I pushed off my mattress and opened the door, making my descent down the hall into the main room of our apartment.

-----minho's pov



I looked at Chan as he called for his roommate, I guessed that 'sung' was a nickname for him. Chan waited on his roommate and i looked around me. Their apartment was clean, but clearly well lived in. There were poster and pictures all over the cream walls. There were little stuffed animals and figurines all over the place. I guessed that most of them were chan's.

I wondered about his roommate, was he anything like chan at all? I hoped we would get along, for the sake of everything, mostly chan. I hoped he would like me, I hoped I would like him.

"You can sit down, minho." chan said, plopping down in an armchair, picking up a small wolf figurine off the coffee table. Minho nodded and gingerly sat on the edge of the couch. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't the slightest bit nervous to be in my hyung's house. To meet an important person in his life. Oh, well, hopefully i don't fuck it all up.

-----no one's pov

jisung walked down the short hall to their main room. He saw chan reclining in a chair talking to a boy with brown hair. Jisung couldn't see his face because he was facing chan, so he walked into the room, awkwardly not saying anything.

Chan looked over and noticed him standing there, Chan smiled, " Oh, sung! This is my friend Minho,  Minho this is my roommate jisung."

Minho stood up and turned around to face jisung. "Hi- I'm Min-" woah.

wow. he's hot.

Both boys stared at each other, not sure what to say or do. They looked at each other, until it got awkward, chan ending up just sitting there in an awkward silence.

"Umm, guys?"

"Oh, oh yeah, I'm Minho, nice to meet you jisung."

"Me too." Jisung smiled at the new boy, maybe he did need to have a new friend. Minho seemed like the perfect addition.

i hope you like this, it's a bit different from the original, but I like it.

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