Class 1A vs Future Class 1A Nomus!

Start from the beginning

Evil Deku:(firing missiles)
Deku and Bakugo:(Dodging them)
Evil Deku: YOUR ALL SO WEAK!!!
Bakugo: Don't get cocky!
Deku: SMASH!!!

(Bakugo made a strong explosion along with Deku's OFA attack and they did serious damage to half of the robotic body)

Evil Deku:(In pain)No!(Spits out blood)
Deku:(He's not moving fast than he was earlier?! He must be getting to his limit?(Sees him and sees the time device glowing)This is could be are only chance?! Kacchen focused on his weak spot!
Bakugo: What weak spot!(Dodging him)
Deku: I'm trying to say...he hasn't fully developed his true power of AFO! If I'm right about myself his only weakness is that device that is now submerged into his chest!
Future Eri: That's it! It's the only way to finish this!
Evil Deku: I like to see you all try!

(Evil Deku starts power up the robotic machine with the power of AFO's quirk and it was overflowing with rage)

Unavirty: Huh?!(see's the Nomu's are being drain)
Invisible Girl: What's happening to them?!
Creaty: There being drained by the robotic monster?!
Ingenium:(No they're not? Some of them are being absorb?!)

(About half of class 1A Nomu's are being swallowed up by Evil Deku)

Evil Deku: More...Give me more power!
Deku: He's using more power!
Cellophane: This is starting to get insane!
Bakugo:(First let's shut his quirk down first!)(Charges in and heads straight for him)
Evil Deku: Get him my pet!

Give me more power!Deku: He's using more power!Cellophane: This is starting to get insane!Bakugo:(First let's shut his quirk down first!)(Charges in and heads straight for him)Evil Deku: Get him my pet!

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(He recreated another evil Copy)

Evil Copy: ROARING!!!!
Bakugo: YOUR IN MY WAY!!!(attacks him head on)
Deku:(Black whip!)(Grabs Bakugo)
Deku: Leave him to me!(swings Bakugo straight at Evil Deku)

Red Riot:(Finished off his evil self)Good riddance!(Grabs his evil self and begins to spin) I thought you're stronger than me you bastard!(Throws him at Sugar-man's Nomu)
Grape Juice:(Using his sticky balls to keep them together)
Unavirty: Keep it up you guys!
Nomu Uraraka:(ROARING!!!)(Attacking her)
Cellophane:(Uses his tape and catches the Nomu Uraraka) Now Unavirty!
Unavirty:(Using her gravity)Right!(begins to swing her and then she see's Ingenium)HEADS UP CLASS REP!!!
Ingenium:!!!(Sees her and makes a quick slide like a baseball player would and suddenly his evil Nomu gets hit by the flying trapped Nomu)
Unavirty: Shoto!
Shoto:!?!(Jumps out of the way and his Nomu gets caught in the attack along with Tsuyu's Nomu)
Unavirty: PLUS ULTRAAA!!!(slams them down to hard)
Shoto: Now freeze!(trapping them in the ice)That should hold them for now.
Ingenium: We need to help the others!

Deku:(Air Force!)
Evil Copy:(ROARING!!!)
Bakugo:(Just gotta time this right!)
Evil Deku: Hahaha!(Crazy laugh)
Future Eri:(SMASH!!!)(destroys one of the robotic arms)
Evil Deku: No!
Future Eri: Do it!

(Bakugo dodged Evil Deku's attack as future Eri gives him the opening he needs)

Bakugo:(Throws the bullet hard so it can penetrate his body. But it landed on his left arm)(Got him!)
Evil Deku:(This bullet?!)(He quickly ripped off his arm before it had a chance to spread)
Bakugo: Shit!
Future Eri: He ripped his arm off!
Evil Deku:(Screaming in pain) Damn that hurts!(Regenerating a new arm)Your not gonna destroy my quirk that easily!

Deku:(Black Whip!)(Catching the evil copy and slams him to the ground hard) How many do have left of those bullets?!
Bakugo: Just three and we already used one of them!
Deku:(Only two left?!)Who has the other two!
Ingenium: I got them!(Runs to them)
Evil Deku: NOT FOR LONG!!!(Firing acid and ice shards!)
Ingenium:(Dodging them)
Unavirty:(He took the bait!)
Froppy:(Sneaking from behind with Unavirty)
Unavirty:(About to throw it)
Evil Deku: Nice try!(Attacking them from behind)
Cellophane: Watch out!(saves them with his tape)

(The evil copy breaks free of Deku's black whip and goes after Unavirty and Froppy then tail man stops him and injects him with the bullet)

Evil Deku: What he had one of them!

(The evil copy ends up losing control of his body then his body blows up like a balloon and explodes into pieces)

Evil Deku: NOOO!!!
Deku:(Only one bullet drug left!)
Ingenium: That takes care of him just the main villain himself!

(Ingenium was about to finish the evil Deku off but he ends up going berserk again and uses a decay quirk causing his robotic machine to be destroyed)

Shoto: Everyone get back!

All of class 1A retreats to a safe distance and they barely got out of the way in time.

Future Eri: That was too close?! Stay still everyone.(Using her rewind)
Deku: That quirk was Shigaraki Tomura's?! Never thought he would use his quirk?!
Ingenium: Damnit we were so close!
Red Riot: So now what? We can't keep going like this any longer? Most of us are getting exhausted from this fighting?

(Evil Deku begins to absorb the last of class 1A Nomu's)

Charge Bolt: He's collecting more power?!

Evil Deku:(Laughing insane)

Anima: He's gone crazy!Creaty: Just how much more power can he keep absorbing!Future Eri:(Thinking)I gotta an idea

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Anima: He's gone crazy!
Creaty: Just how much more power can he keep absorbing!
Future Eri:(Thinking)I gotta an idea. But it's a long shot.
Bakugo: Is it a good one?
Future Eri: More of a big one in fact.

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