Time's running out!

20 0 0

5 minutes left as the clock was counting down. The rest of UA And Shiketsu were almost to the finish line. As for class 1A and few hand full of Shiketsu students. They were stopped by a web full of spiders.

Bakugo: What the hell going on here?

Everyone was looking into the trapped spider web and see's a bunch of UA and Shiketsu kids trapped in the spider web.
Monoma: Ahh how did I get myself into this mess!
Bakugo: Hahaha! Oh what's wrong copycat! Couldn't copy any quirks to get through this!
Kendo: How did you get up there?(Walks up)
Creaty:(Looks up and see's a web heading towards Kendo)Kendo!
Mora: Look out!(grabs Kendo with his quirk before the web got to her.)
Kendo: Whoa that was close?!
Hero: Aww so close. A few seconds and you would have been my prey sweetheart.
Grape juice: Is that?
Mora: Another one of ours back at the west side. Silk web.

Silk web! Real name Riki Nishima. Quirk Spider she has everything like a spider can do. By using her spider web as a trap like a real spider would do to catch their prey. It would be impossible for them to escape!

UA kid:(trying to cut the web with his quirk)Damn I can't even cut through it!
Silk: There's no point of getting out of my web.
Pinky: Now what are we going to do?! If we try going in will be stuck just the them.
Shoto: I could use fire but the others are trapped in the web. Can't risk of everyone getting burned.


Hatsume: Hmm?(Looks back behind at the track and sees Giganta still fighting Mount lady.)Oh! I just got an idea!(Hehehe!)(Pulls out one of her explosive. Hey Creaty!
Creaty: What is it?

(Back at the battle between the two Orcas, a lion, and a Tiger.)

Gang Orca:(Using his orca sound attack)
Orca tail:(Same attack as Gang Orca)
Gang Orca:(How marvelous! He and I are equally match!)(Charges in)
Orca tail:(Blocks his attacks and the ground shatters behind him)
Gang Orca: Your not that bad for a young orca. But don't underestimate me!(Grabs him and throws him the air then he charges in for an attack)
Orca tail: I don't think so!(legs fused together into a tail fin)
Gang Orca: What!
Orca tail: Tail slap!(Take the hit)
Gang Orca: GAAHH!!!(Goes flying to a pillar and smashes right to it)
Present Mic: WHOA!!! Now that's gotta hurt! These Shiketsu's are full of surprises! Who would have thought that the Young Orca kid would turn his legs into a tail fin. Almost like merma- I mean merman!

Man 1: WOW that orca kid is so awesome!
Man 2: I wonder if he will be the next number 10 hero in the future?
Woman 1: That would be so cool.
Woman 2: Looks like the loin hero Shishido is having trouble with the Tiger girl.

Tiger's Eye:(Roaring)(scratches his arm hard)
Shishido: AHH!!! Why you little brat!(charges in and misses her)
Tiger's Eye:(Jumps over him and pounces off his head and lands right beside Orca tail.)
Shishido: Damn it!(She may have skills! But man she's fast!)
Tiger's Eye: Ready to switch?
Orca Tail:(Turns his tail fin back into legs again)Oh Yeah!
(Both high five to each other and Orca Tail throws Tora straight to Gang Orca)
Gang Orca: Gasp!
Tiger's eye:(Roaring)
Shishido: Hey I'm not done with you!
Orca Tail: Too bad! Your fighting me now!(Charges in but Shishido dodges him)
Shishido: You may be another blow head like fish breath but you don't know what your up against fish punk!(Pushes him right to the wall causing it to crack every direction)
Orca Tail: Nobody calls me fish punk!(Breaks free and uses Orca sound attack to send Shishido flying)
Shishido:(Shit! It's like I'm fighting younger version of Kugo! But more faster and better!)
Tiger:(Roaring!)(Claw slash!)
Gang Orca:(Dodging her attacks)You have some impressive skills!(Sound attack)
Tiger's eye:(Quickly dodges the attack)Thank you. I'm impressed with your skills as well.(So this is the power of the number 10 hero.)

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