There is no future.

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(As the fight continues on in the stadium. The evil copy Deku continues his pursuit on Eri as Hawks protect her along with Ingenium and Speedy)

Hawks:(This imposter is getting on my nerves!)
Evil Copy changes his quirk into fire)
Hawks: (What! He changed to fire now!)
Evil copy fires it at Hawks at full blast and some of his feathers got burned)
Hawks:(Lands on the car)My feathers are scorched?! But those flames just now?! It was from one of the league of villains?!

Hawks:(This imposter is getting on my nerves!)Evil Copy changes his quirk into fire)Hawks: (What! He changed to fire now!)Evil copy fires it at Hawks at full blast and some of his feathers got burned)Hawks:(Lands on the car)My feathers are scorche...

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Hawks:(What do I do now!?)
(Evil copy lands on Hawks and pins him down.)
Speedy: Hawks!
Ingenium:(Going at full maximum!)(Speeds up his quirk)
(Evil copy is about to finish off Hawks with AFO's quirk)
Ingenium:(Your done!)(Hits evil copy hard and sends him flying towards the ground. Just outside the open fields)
Hawks: Nice kick.
Ingenium: Thank you sir!
All Might: Did we lose him?!
Hawks: We're good.👍
All Might: Phew?! That's a relief-
Mirio: All Might watch out!

The evil copy appears in front of them and All Might try's to stop the car as he hit the breaks hard. It cause the car to slide on the road and the evil copy went right through the car.

All Might: Shit that was close?! Everyone ok?!
Mirio: I'm ok. How about you Eri-Gasp!(He noticed Eri is gone)
All Might: What where'd Eri go!
Ingenium: Oh no! Eri!

(Everyone looks back on the road and see's evil copy Deku holding her unconscious.)

Mirio: No Eri!(From earlier when he went right through the car!? He was using my quirk! But he somehow managed to get Eri out of there?!... How is that possible?!)

(Evil copy opens a dark portal and waves goodbye with a smiles on his face as they both disappear)

Speedy: No!
All Might: He got her?!(scared)
Hawks: Ok he has her...Where would he take her?
Ingenium:!!! The future Midoriya! He's taking her back to UA stadium!
Hawks: You two get going.
Ingenium: Damn it?! My quirk has over heated while we were chasing him?!
Speedy: Leave that to me! Hop on my back as we head back to the stadium. A little awkward but I'm more faster than you think. My quirk still has some juice left to make it back.
Hawks: I wish I could tag along but my feathers are torched I'm useless in battle now. Good luck.
Ingenium: Right!
Speedy: Let's go!(Speeds up into high gear)

(Back at the stadium)
Evil Deku:⚡️⚡️⚡️!!!He got her...(jumps away from everyone)
Deku:(He's backing off?!)

(A portal opens up and the evil copy stands right besides evil Deku while holding Eri in his arms)

Unavirty: Oh no!
Red Riot: Eri!
Deku: No?!(Scared)
Grand Torino:(Damn it! All Might failed to get away from him!)

(Meanwhile for Tokoyomi watching the evil dark Shadow)
Tokoyomi: Dark shadow of the future...can you hear me?
Evil dark Shadow:(roaring as he struggles to break out of the steel bubble)
Dark Shadow: This is horrible to watch myself suffer like this Tokoyami.(sad)
Tokoyomi: I know dark shadow.
Evil dark shadow: Toko...
Tokoyomi: Huh?
Evil dark shadow: Toko...Yami...Tokoyami...
Tokoyomi:(Can it be?! Is he still in there?!)
Evil Dark Shadow:
Dark Shadow: No way I'm still in there somewhere?!
Tokoyomi: Maybe theirs a chance to save him?!

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