The power of a real man!

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Both sides are neck and neck tell Shinso class 1C gets eliminated by Shiketsu 1B. As for Shiketsu 1A and UA class 1B are neck and neck with each other. Same goes for UA class 1A and Shiketsu class 1C

Iron ball:(Crazy laugh as he goes destroying everything in his path)
Unavirty: This guy is nuts?!
Earphone Jack: We can't just keep dodging him forever!
Red Riot: Well I guess I got no choice. Leave the Iron kid to me!(runs straight towards him)
Sour girl: You just don't know when to give up!(throws Iron ball at him and Red Riot catches him)
Iron ball: What!
Red Riot:(arms steaming)You think a little lava is gonna defeat me! Not to self I won't break or melt while I'm still standing!
Iron ball: Your a lot tougher than I thought.
Sour Girl:(About to pull him back when suddenly she sees the white flag)There it is.(Then Shu breaks the chain off of him)Shu what are you doing!
Iron ball and Red Riot: YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!(Both started fighting each other as they threw punches at each other)
Sour girl: Damit Shu!(Goes for the white flag for the win)
Unavirty: She's to far away! We won't stop her in time!
Deku:(I only got one shot at this. Let's see if you are right Hatsume.)(using his Air Force gloves)
Sour girl: Victory is ours!(about to grab it)
Deku:(Now!)(Fires a puff of air and she took the hit and when flying)Got her!
Ingenium:(Now's my chance!)(quickly uses his quirk)
Sour girl: No!(Getting ready to stop Iida but sugar man stops her)
Sugar man: You may have a sour taste but sweets rule!(Keeps her down)
Ingenium:(Grabs the white flag)

(Alarm noise)
Umpire: UA wins!

Iron ball: AHHH!!!(roaring with rage)
Red Riot: You got some fire inside of you! Like a real man would do!
Iron ball: I say a real man needs to release his inner self to make himself feel like he can take on anything!
Red Riot: That a boy!(Both struggling each other)
Bakugo: Hey bone heads the match is over!
Frog man: Allow me.(Fires out water and both boys get washed away)
Bakugo:(I don't know which is grosser the frog head or the lava barf.)(a bit grossed out)
Magma man: Yogan.(disappointed)
Deku: That was amazing!
Magma man: Yo?
Deku:(Comes out of nowhere)Your lava quirk is so cool. What else can you do?(has his notebook out)

(Alarm noises)

Umpire: Shiketsu wins!
Gale Force: YEAH!!!
Pop art: We won.
Clay girl: What a relief those UA kids gave us a real workout.
Monoma: I can't believe we close if those two weren't in the way.(falls to the ground)
Kendo: Man so close.
Giganta: Shu!(Heads over)
Iron ball: Ow my head?! Huh what happened?
Frog man: We lost.
Iron ball: What! Oh no.
Red Riot: Now that's what I call a fight for manly hood.
Iron ball: Huh?
Red Riot: You got some good strength inside of you. You may have lost. But you can fix the mistake you did so it won't happen again ok. A real man needs to get stronger than they were yesterday. Trust me.(Harden his arm)
Iron ball:(Surprised and responds back by hardening his arm and both made contact)
Giganta: Well you actually released your inner self. Your class lost but you did great. Didn't expect your class would grab this many flags.
Iron ball: Yeah sorry if your disappointed in me.
Giganta:(Pats his head and smiles)You just got to try harder next time ok.
Iron ball:(Smiles)

Present Mic: Now let give them around of applause people!

As they continue on to the 2nd round the 1st years that won from both schools rest up in a resting area so they will be ready for the 3 round.

Charge bolt: Man I'm beat. Those Shiketsu are something else.
Grape juice: Tell me about it.(drops to the floor)
Ingenium: All right then let's rest up everyone.
Red Riot: Man I can't believe Tetsutetsu and his class lost. They were so close of getting that white flag.
Gale Force: Man that was that awesome! Huh? Shoto!
Shoto: I guess you made it then.
Gale Force: Boy did I! UA has some awesome heroes.
Bakugo:(Looks around)Were Deku go?

(While 1st years are resting. Izuku and Jikan are at the rooftops of the sports festival arena)

Jikan: Sorry for snatching you out of your class without being noticed. Hope your not afraid of heights.
Izuku: Uhh no?
Jikan: Ok now we can talk in privacy.

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