𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐲 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐈

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"Doctor Khunpol, what should we tell her parents?" a nurse asks. "how do you tell your best friends their daughter has been poisoned?" Doc replies. "I don't know," the nurse replies. After a while of thinking of how to tell Tharn and Type, "I'll go tell them," Doc spoke. Doc walks out of the operating room. "Doc?" Tharn quietly spoke since Type had fallen asleep due stress.

"Tharn, i don't know how to tell you this-" Doc spoke but gets cut off by Tharn. "is our daughter going to be okay?" Tharn asks "yes and no," Doc replies "what happened to her?" Tharn looks at Doc with worried eyes. "she was p-poisoned," Doc barely gets the word out before Tharn froze.

"you brought her here in the first couple of minutes of it spreading that, it helped us catch it. she'll wake up soon," Doc spoke reassuring Tharn. "do you know how it happened?" Doc asks "no," Tharn replies, "wait! what if it was that woman that came up to us and made Type panic and Apsara hide behind us. could she have poisoned the ice cream that Apsara was eating?" Tharn asks "no wait, she dropped both of the ice creams when she hid behind us, could it be the bag of clothes she was holding? if so i was also holding that bag-" Tharn kept talking, "Tharn! breathe," Doc spoke.

"can i get checked on?" Tharn asks "yes, better to be safe than sorry," Doc spoke. "Type?" Tharn gently spoke "Type?" Tharn says waking Type up, "is she out yet?" Type asks. "no not yet, but we have to get to checked so we don't faint like Apsara," Tharn gently spoke. "why would we faint?" Type asks, but Tharn doesn't answer. "let's go," Tharn helps his husband up and follows Doc. The couple gets checked and tested for the poison and only Tharn was the other person poisoned. Doc gave him the antidote and said he should be fine in an hour.

Doc took them to see Apsara. "my baby!" Tharn and Type spoke at the same time; once they saw all the tubes that were attached to Apsara. "she'll wake up soon, she'll be scared so you have to calm her and stay by her side," Doc spoke "so she'll wake up?" Type repeats what Doc says. "yes," Doc replied. "I'll let you be," Doc says taking his leave. "Tharn," Type spoke gently. "sleep, you haven't rested all day," Type spoke "I can't," Tharn replies. "i couldn't either until i wore myself out," Type replies.

An hour later...

"Tharn!" Type shouts waking Tharn up. "she's up," Type explains. Tharn jumps up from the chair he was sleeping on. Tharn went out of the room and found Doc. "she's awake," Doc spoke the second he saw Tharn. Tharn nods his head and Doc follows Tharn back to the room. "Apsara, it's me Doc," Doc spoke gently "i'm going to start removing the tubes okay," Doc adds on. "you can squeeze phâaw and bpá-bpǎa's hands okay," Doc says. Apsara squeezes her dads' hands whenever it hurt.

After removing the tubes. "can you try to talk?" Doc asks "p-phâaw," Apsara says making Tharn cry tears of relief. "w-where's bpá-bpǎa?" Apsara asks "he went to the restroom," Tharn explains. Type walks back into the room. "Apsara!" Type exclaims in relief. "bpá-bpǎa," Apsara spoke. "I'll be right back," Tharn says walking out of the room.

Tharn went down to the front of the hospital to meet his parents and his siblings, "Tharn," Tharn's mom hugs him. "how is she?" Tharn's dad asks. "she just woke up and s-she just had the tubes r-removed," Tharn explains. "where's Thanya?" Tharn asks "she's on her way here," Thorn replies "should we wait for her?" Tharn's mom asks "i'll take you all to the room and i'll come back down to wait for her," Tharn spoke earning a nod from his family. Tharn takes his family to the room and then walks back to the front to wait for Thanya.

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