𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐈𝐈

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France 1582

"I just need rest, Father, that's all," Julianne argued with her father "I remember where I last saw mother," Julianne says as Francis was out of the doors of her chambers, "You do?" Francis says walking back in. "Mother and you taught me well, earlier this morning I was distraught, so I couldn't remember," Julianne replies. "I remember their chivalry," Julianne adds on. "They weren't from here?" Julianne continues on. "Where were they from?" Francis asks "I think they were from Italy," Julianne answers.


"Italy," Francis told his brother "are they from Florence?" Bash asks his brother "no," Francis replies "then they are not related to your mother," Bash replies "Maybe they're from Rome?" Bash wonders "No they are not from Rome!" Julianne says walking into the throne room getting Francis and Bash's attention. "Julianne! you should be resting," Francis exclaims "I will not rest until we find mother," Julianne spoke limping to her father's side "you are so stubborn," Francis remarks "well I wonder where I got it from," Julianne sarcastically replied.

Julianne closes her eyes and tries to remember what their chivalry was, when she couldn't get a glimpse of it in her mind she screamed in frustration well that's what Francis and Sebastian thought when they heard her, but really she reopened a wound, she gripped her side and that's when Francis rushed over "you are resting and that's an order," Francis spoke "yes your majesty," Julianne replied when he walked her back to her chamber, "Lady Rose," Francis spoke when he got to Julianne's chamber "your majesty," Rose replied as she bowed "your princess is injured,"

"I told you," Rose remarked at Julianne "I know," Julianne replies "where are the rest of the girls?" Julianne asks "they are in their chamber, do you want me to get them?" Rose asks "no, I just wondered since this isn't like them," Julianne explains "I'll be right back," Rose spoke and bowed as Julianne nodded.

"Lady Anne, Isabel, Audrey, and Clarice, our princess is asking for us," Rose spoke when normally she would say Julianne is asking for us, but since they were around nobles and very high in rank people, she had to use formality. "Is she alright?" Anne asks "no, she opened her wound up again," Rose explains so they would understand when they walk in.

"your grace," her ladies-in-waiting spoke, Julianne nods and doesn't speak and turns her head towards her window, "Leave me," Julianne spoke after a while, the ladies don't reply and left her be.

"Mother," Rose spoke "Rose, how's the princess?" Greer asks her daughter, "not well, she just kicked us out, and doesn't look too well," Rose explained "once they find Queen Mary, Julianne will be better," Greer reassured her daughter. "You must be worried about the queen since she's your friend," Rose whispered "yes," Greer whispered back. "Don't make it obvious, but check on Julianne, she's known you quite longer than the others," Greer adds on "Yes mother," Rose replies and walks away.

"Julianne?" Rose spoke, "R-Rose," Julianne sobbed "Annà," Rose ran up and held her. "I want my mother back, it-" Julianne sobbed and Rose cuts her off "don't you dare say that!" Rose exclaims knowing what she was about to say. "I don't want to rest, I want to find my mother!" Julianne gets up "no, you're under strict orders from your father, but i'll let you help if you act like you rested..." Rose mischievously came up with a plan. After Rose came up with the plan the day went by really fast.

"Your Majesty," Rose spoke when she walked into the throne room "Is Julianne alright?" Francis spoke "yes sire, she's alright, she's requesting to see you," Rose spoke "Sire, if i may?" Rose requests to speak. Francis gives her the nod of approval. "I feel the princess needs you, more now than ever," Rose spoke with some fear in her voice. "Lady Rose, you're right, thank you," Francis replied. Rose went back to Julianne's chamber. "is my father on his way?" Julianne questioned Rose. "yes madam," Rose responded. "good."

"Julianne," Francis spoke entering Julianne's chamber. "Father," Julianne replied greeting her father. "Father, may i bring up mother?" Julianne asks "in what way?" Francis replied. "Just mother in general,"

The Following Morning...

"Francis," Sebastian spoke "Bash," Francis replied "I found Mary, but it would take a couple of days to get her home," Sebastian informed Francis. "You found Mary," Francis exclaimed in shock "Thank you uncle Bash," Julianne hugged Sebastian.

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