𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐈

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"Dad, quick question!"

"go ahead and ask,"

"Am I a werewolf like you or a werecoyote like mom?"

"Allison, you're going to find that out on your own,"

Allison Tate-McCall is the daughter of Malia Tate and Scott McCall named after Allison Argent who was her dad's first true love, who had died saving her friends.

Allison is best friends with Claudia Stilinski, the two make a pretty amazing duo just like their dads, Allison is Scott and Claudia is Stiles. Allison is only 15 when she discovers her abilities, she didn't know how to control her transformation when a full moon came the following night.

Allison's P.O.V

"ALLISON!" Claudia yelled from across hallway, "Hey!" I said when she finally caught up to me at my locker as I'm grabbing my things since it's the end of the day. "You know why I yelled, right?" Claudia asked me, "Nope, no clue at all," I answered, honestly I didn't know why she yelled. "Tomorrow I know he-" she starts, but never finishes thanks to Sawyer.

"Hey Sawyer" she says, she had hearts coming out of her eyes from the way she's staring at him. "Hey! Claudia-baby!" Sawyer Whittemore-Steiner says winking at Claudia. I'm annoyed, "ugh! if y'all are gonna talk get a fucking room."

"oh-hey! Allison," Sawyer says taking his attention off of Claudia. "fuck off!" I exclaim, I don't want you to talk to me. "feisty-" Sawyer says.

"oh shut up Sawyer! she said fuck off!" Shawn says, who's Sawyer's identical twin brother. "you always ruin the fun Shawn!" Sawyer whines. "keep whining like the five-year-old boy you are," Shawn mocks his twin. Sawyer and Claudia walk away leaving me with Shawn. Claudia definitely did this on purpose.

"I'm sorry," Shawn says.

"not your fault," I replied stopping Shawn from apologizing for his twin's actions.

"Shawn, Shawn Whittemore-Steiner, you probably already know that," Shawn nervously laughs. "Allison, Allison Tate-McCall," I replied. "Sawyer is just like a mini version of my dad-" Shawn says. "definitely Jackson," I said, earning a nod from Shawn. "yeah, my dad Ethan says that Sawyer also reminds him of his own twin Aiden." Shawn says.

"I know that Aiden died, he truly proved himself saving Claudia's dad Stiles' life, who also happens to be my dad's best friend, if that makes sense," I accidentally spoke too much. "yes that completely makes sense-" he says. "you know you're beautiful, right?" Shawn smiles, That's so random, he said it out of nowhere. "I'm not beautiful, I'm stunning" I said slightly joking. "I'll see you around?" Shawn asks raising an eyebrow "definitely!" I answer, earning a kiss on the cheek from him.

"oh!" I said walking out to my mom's car "hey Ally!" my dad says "hey dad! wait!- when did you learn to drive a car?" I said jokingly. "haha really funny!" my dad says slightly laughing, He often doesn't drive my mom's car. "so I heard Claudia has a big crush on Sawyer Whittemore-Steiner? huh?" my dad asks "yup he's an asshole" I respond,

"But his twin brother Shawn is pretty much the total opposite he tends to be more level-headed and reserved than Sawyer, he is intelligent, calculating, and feels guilt for his and his brother's actions." I said. I didn't realize I was saying too much.

"Sounds like you have a bit of a crush on Shawn," my dad points out the obvious "just drive old man!" I playfully joke. "hey! I'm only 34!" my dad replies back with a laugh. "that's considered old! but you still look 19" I exclaim smacking him on the arm. "that's still a good and bad thing right?" he asks. "yes and yes because everyone knows who you are and are trying to find you to kill you" I said "oh! I know, I'm sorry sweetheart."  my dad says taking my hand in his.

There's Silence....I hate silence.

"Dad, quick question" I spoke ending the awkward silence between us. "go ahead and ask," my dad says, "Am I a werewolf like you or a werecoyote like mom?" I asked slightly afraid of his response, "Allison, you're going to find that out on your own!" my dad responds. "what if I hurt someone because I don't know what I am?" I added on. "Allison sweetheart, you are not going to hurt anyone, let me know immediately if you notice any changes in yourself and your abilities!" he says and I nod.

"Tomorrow's a full moon!" my dad says.

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